Monday, October 20, 2008

Sarah's got style

It is a toss up whether SNL and Tina Fey's portrayal of Sarah Palin is hurting of helping the McCain campaign. I can tell you one thing, Sarah has style. She is a forty-something person (just like me); full of energy and wants to see change. I think that Sarah would be a great assist to the American political system.

You GO GIRL!!!


I did my civic duty this past Saturday. It doesn't really matter who you vote for. The important issue is that you go vote.



VOTE like your future depends on it. IT DOES!!

Hey California!!!!

If you live in California, vote YES to PROP 8!

If you don't live in California, you better research Proposition 8. If it passes in California, your state will be the next to work on the bill. Do your research. VOTE!