Saturday, August 13, 2011
"Lean Forward" Bull
I looked at those connexes and saw dozens of frames for homes. Thousands of American soldiers live in those after they have been converted to housing units. I also see tons and tons of steel that can be recycled into construction materials, automotive parts and forks. Instead of letting those containers sit and rust, we need to use them of less than obvious purposes. I bet they would make a great frame for a reef. I bet recycling those containers would great jobs too.
Yeah, America we are better! Let's use our American ingenuity to do what's right.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The World left behind
I have been out of pocket for 10 days. I mean REALLY out. I have had very little news from the outside. Actually it hasn't been that bad. No news of people doing stupid shit! No news of the bickering politicians in Washington. Of course, I do miss my family.
Four days and a wakeup, Sweets!
Friday, July 1, 2011
So, you have a degree.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Do we really care about our vets?
We provide millions of dollars a year to people who are welfare professionals. Not those who provide welfare, but those who are able to work, can work but don't. Our social system has provided a class of people who live off the welfare system just because they can. If you live in public housing because you meet the financial standards, why do you have a new $20,000 car in your drive way? We never promised a single individual a free ride in this country. Many take it for granted that the will be taken care of by the government. It is not my responsibility to make sure you have food on your table and health care for you and your kids. If you can't work, I get it! Stuff happens, I get it. But, if you can work, then you do not need social services.
We do promise to our veterans we will, as a nation, take care of them. Those young 17 and 18 year old kids are told that the nation will take care of them in exchange for their service. It is apparent that we don't. It can take weeks to get a VA doctors appointment. They have to drive 50+ miles to see a VA doctor when the get an appointment. When they call the VA, they have to push buttons to navigate a menu. Often, they are told to call back because they, VA, are too busy to take the call. WHY?
A veteran should never have to complain about not having.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
So, you want to be a 'Christian' nation?
Let's look at only a few things...
When we drive past someone at an intersection asking for a hand out, what do we do? More times that not, we drive by without giving this person a second thought. When we do the thoughts are more like "why don't they just get a job" or "lazy bum." That isn't what we are supposed to do. We are supposed to roll down the window and give the person a few dollars.
For a 'Christian' nation, we sure have a habit of keeping people down. We did manage to end slavery. Finally! However, we seem to have problems with people being different. Whether it be racially, religiously or ethnically, we have that tendency to be fearful. We don't go to certain malls like we used to, or we drive around with the needle on empty to avoid stopping at that store. Why? A Christian should not be fearful and we certainly don't need to look down on anyone for being different. We are all different!
I know that most of you remember the "WWJD? bracelets. That fad didn't last more than a couple of years. Actually, that needs to be on the mind of every Christian, including me. Christ gave so much and we shirk when we are asked to give a little. So, if you want to be a 'Christian' nation, you better starting acting like it.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
HALO Anniversary

Friday, June 17, 2011
A New Washington
Weiner. Okay, so the guy got caught. Big deal! Sure, he should have been faithful to his wife. This is a personal matter that should be kept that way. He did not steal any money. He did not lie to Congress. It had nothing to do with his job. Every body wanted his head on a plate, so he resigned. Whose the next victim? The next victim is the people of the United States. I am more worried about corruption involving our money than I am a congressman and his pecker. I am more worried about how Congress is going to save us billions of dollars.
If those in Washington can't get their stuff together, it's time for a new Washington. No, I do not speak of an overthrow. I am talking about getting ride of the bullshit that is going on. We need to do the right thing by electing the right people. Yeah, Obama may not have been the best option (Don't get me started). The Republicans may not have been much better and we will never know how that would have played out. Get ride of those who won't work and get some people that will.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Why Mars and not the Moon?
For several years, NASA has had rovers crawling over Mars looking for life. So far, life has not been found. Possibly, NASA sent the rovers to an area the believed to be barren. This would through the public off by issuing statements that they have not found any life. It is a possibility.
If you have seen the photos of Mars, you might have seen the Pyramid. A photo taken by NASA that shows an actual structure on the Red Planet. Proof of the existence of life on Mars. Not so. NASA has re-photographed the area with the Mars Global Surveyor. The new photos show that the Pyramid is just a geologic formation that looks like a pyramid when seen from a certain angle.
Other photos that have been circulating around the internet, some obviously hoaxes, show other features. There is an alleged base on Mars visible on NASA photos. Again, these are obviously hoaxes. Not enough photos exist in the public domain to say one way or another.
However, there is another possibility...NASA has recognized that there are structures on Mars. This could be what prompted the sudden interest in Mars. This could be reason enough to skip the Moon and go to Mars to find out what is really there.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Computer decides who to hire and who not to.
I recently applied for a job with a major cellphone company. I went through the process and answered almost 200 questions. After about 30 minutes I got an email saying that I did not meet the requirements. This was done by a computer.
Human resources let the initial hiring decision to a computer based on how I answered questions. It doesn't matter how much potential of a employee I could have a been. The choice was left up to a comprise without an interview. And, that was that. I got a 'Thank you' email, computer generated I'm sure.
Collecting cash on the roadside
If you are a minority and traveling thru Tennessee you better get your cash turned into a debt card. Tennessee is a major conduit for drugs and the cops are trying to stem the flow. However, there is a problem with racial profiling. Minorities are being stopped and cash confiscated.
The line is a hard one to walk. The cops must work to keep the drugs off the street. However, the cost is too high when we toss the Constitution out the window.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
First Post of the Year
Summer Time
Then, there is the lack of rain. It's been three weeks since it's rained here. That again is 'normal' but not until late June into July. We've already been watering the tomato plants and flowers to keep them going. It shouldn't be too long until the 'normal' pattern starts.