Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I think that the best thing about Thanksgiving is that every one can participate. This particular day can be shared no matter what your religious beliefs are. No matter how you look at it, every human has reasons to be thankful.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Still here

I'm still here. There have been tons of things going on. I have kinda forgotten that this place is here. Let me see (I'll list but not in order.)...

1. Started a new class
2. Registered to attend a new school in January
3. Taken a mid-term
4. My oldest son whacked his foot with an axe and got a bunch of stitches
5. Our main sewer line is plugged up
6. Had to reformat my PC.

Maybe things will calm down a bit.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Let the leaves fall

Yep! It's that time of year again. The leaves have started falling from the trees and are piling up on the ground. For some, it takes little effort to get their leaves picked up. They pay others to do it for them. On the other hand, I have to rack my leaves or share the job with my kids. It would be nice if all the leaves fell at once. Then, you would do it once and be done with it. Mother Nature has a different play for us. A few there. A few there. This can make it last through Thanksgiving.

The season runs thus...October...leaves fall... Thanksgiving then Christmas. All in between, we are racking up.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Amazon pulls pedifile book

I can't believe that this would actually get published. I've not seen the book so I can only speculate. I don't think this book is protected under the First Amendment. My grounds for this would fall under something similar to hate speech. I look at Cox vs Louisiana. This book could cause harm to our most precious segment of society.

But, I am sure that the fear that this book might have an impact. Is the publisher still selling this book? Many are boycotting Amazon because of this book. If you are going to boycott anyone, it should be the publisher.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We need more roofers.

I am not gonna sit here and tell you that the economy is not bad. There are people out of work all over the nation. My county has an unemployment rate of about 17%. But, not everyone is in such a dire strait. I have been trying to get a roofer for about two weeks. I call and talk to someone and they respond that someone will call be back to schedule an appointment. Hmmm. I have spoken to four roofing companies in the the last two weeks and NONE have alled my back. NONE! Is business so good that they don't need more work? Have people forgot their manners?

I think that some of the businesses have lost their customer support mindset. In small towns, businesses are make or break over work of mouth. You do one person wrong and your business maybe have to fight to stay afloat. It's all about treating customers, even potential customers with respect. Respect!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


As I said, and I'll say it again..."GO VOTE!"