We see on television and on the streets the plight of those homeless, starving people in the United States. It's a common sight. I know you've seen it. You also we commercials of groups collecting money for the poor, uninsured people who can't afford to get medical care. The are literally dying because they cannot get good health care. I don't have to remind you of this. We are all well aware of what is going on. Yet, on the same television channel, you see commercials for Disney World, Beaches, Viking Cruises and other fabulous places to vacation. let's not forget the commercials for Mercedes, BMW's, Jaguars and other luxury vehicles including the ones made here in the U.S.
People that are barely getting by don't need to see commercials about Beaches and Cancun. Poor children will probably see Space Mountain or ride the Harry Potter at Universal. They can only only dream of going to such places. To them the closed they are going to get to Disney World is visiting the Disney Store. The commercials are really slapping the under $20,000 a year people in the face.
I am not saying that it's a bad thing to be rich. I am not saying there is anything wrong with being poor. I am not suggesting that the money made should be taken from one and given to another. I am saying that more could be done to help those who do without. The wealthy should be more giving. Wouldn't it be great if a $200k a year family would treat a $12k a year family. Send the family on a Disney cruise. Who would it hurt?
Rubbing it in the noses of the poor does not help anyone. it does cause problems between the classes. I know you have seen those science fiction movies where one group live high in floating cities, in crystal palaces, while the other group drudge around in muck, fighting to stay alive. Well, we're getting there!
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