I know Senator Joseph McCarthy has wore out his coffin from rolling over. (If you don't know who Joseph McCarthy, educate yourself.) Communism/Socialism is alive and doing well in the United States. Many Americans are oblivious to this. They fail to see how dangerous the situation has become. The United States is re-organizing into the United Socialist States of America. I am dead serious. The warning signs are everywhere but they are being ignored. More Americans are worried about the signs of the Apocalypse or the Second Coming than the communist take over of their country.
The Communist/Socialist take over of America comes in many shapes and sizes. On one side there are Neo-Nazis and other white supremacist movements. On the other side there are socialists and communists. We all know these groups. They are nothing new. We have been living with white supremacists, communists and socialists even anarchists for over a hundred years. We know their stories and histories. New groups have sprung up. Now, we have Anti-Fascists (antifa), Black Lives Matter (BLM) and a few others. While the names are new, their stories and goals are not.
All of these groups are a danger to the "American Way of Life." While the groups sound altruistic, their actions interfere with daily commerce. They comment acts of vandalism and wanton destruction. Worst of all, they injure and, even kill people. Generally, for the ordinary citizens, they are a pain in the ass.
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