I went through another year without listening to a presidential address. They really have nothing new to day. They say we have problems. They say we need to come together to make it better. Then, they say what they are going to do to make it better. Sounds good! Sounds promising! It never works.
Mr Obama made promises during his campaign that now he realzes that he cannot keep. The stimulus package is a joke. I am looking forward to my $65 a month tax reduction. What int he world am I gonna do with $16.25 a week? Am I supposed to take my family and treat them to McDonald's? I have a family of four.
Let's get politicans who don't make plans knowing that they won't work. Of course, it is not all Mr Obama's fault. Oh no! Mr McCain has gone back on his work when he vowed to help Mr Obama fix the economy. We have seen how far that lasted. Politics is politics and there is no way around it. It is a no win situation when both sides of Congress refuse to work together.
So, tell me honestly...did I really miss anything.
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