It is important for the survival of the nation envisioned by the Founding Fathers is the return to an old national awareness. Americanism is the idea that all individuals become independent and self-sufficient without any support from the government. The early colonists worked hard to stand alone, yet part of their communities. Each colonist did not require assistance from the colonial government. If a colonist needed assistance it was provided from the members of the community and not by the colonial government. Furthermore, the required assistance was temporary. Charity was accepted only temporarily and after all other personal needs exhausted. After the United States was formed and the westward expansion began, the tradition of self-reliance was continued.
Beginning in the mid-19th Century, the form of self-reliance began to fade. By the turn of the 20th Century, communism began to take a foothold as nations fell under it's power. Citizens were no longer able to be self-reliant and were forced to depend on the State. This loss of self-reliance in the United States started with Social Security as part of Roosevelt's New Deal. A new class of citizen developed in the United States that became more dependent on the State and less self-reliance. Now, citizens have becomes dependant on State housing, State food programs and State health care. They have become unable to rely on themselves for subsistence.
There is no denying that some citizens are unable to work for whatever reason. That is understood. Unless they are completely unable to earn a living and have no family to take care of them, then they should be provided with some assistence. Almost every one can work, even those who are disabled, with some exceptions. The Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired is an example of people with a disability being self-reliant. There is work that can be done.
Americanism brings about a social change so that each individual is responsible for themselves without government support. Americans used to pride themselves for being able to work and be self-reliant. We need to return to that ideal.
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