The latest and greatest big news is that a complaint has been made that Santa Claus is too fat. This is setting a bad example for youngsters. That is so insane!! A mythical person has more influence on children causing them to be overweight than anything else. Forget about, overeating, lack of parental control or the sodas available in the schools; it's Santa making our kids fat! Let me repeat what I said earlier, "That is insane!!"
Well, time to fight back. I am so upset with all the images of Jesus Christ being a gaunt, skinny fellow. Just look! Jesus needs to put on some weight. He is causing junior teens to be too skinny. Wrong example. What about Buddha? I have to write a letter to the Dalai Lama and express my concern that all those images of the rolly-polly Buddha is causing obesity among certain segments of the population. Buddha needs a diet! Another, wrong example.
Who cares if Santa is a little rotund? He had been that way for dozens of decades or longer. Okay, people lets focus on the real issues! It's not Santa making kids fat, it's the lifestyles they are allowed to live. I bet the person who decided to blame Santa for their fat kids just pulled away from McDonald's for the 5th night in a row because they are too lazy to cook or too stupid know how.
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