The easy answer is no. I am not a monster. As the title of this blog plainly states, I am an ordinary person living a somewhat ordinary life in a small town in America. This does not make me a monster. However, there are those who would make me out to be a creature of disdain, often hatred and horror. Here's how...
I am part of the 75% percentile of Americans who have some religious faith. I am a Christian and puts in the majority of religious beliefs in this country. Even narrowing it down further, I'm a conservative Christian. I self-identify as a fundamentally conservative Christian. Oppss! There's a nerve! I believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, the literal interpretation of the Bible, and the other tenants that fundamental Christians hold true. I am not a Bible thumping Christian. I keep my religious beliefs to myself, but occasionally express my beliefs. Expression in the form of a quiet voice and a willing audience. Do I have the answers to the frequently asked questions? No. There are many things about faith and religion I do not understand.
Am I a monster? To some, just believing in the Bible is a very narrow minded view. Fundamental Christianity beings up images of the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas. That is a narrow minded view. The only thing I have in common with Fred Phelps is the belief in God and Christ's death on the Cross. I don't rant and rave about singular sin and the downfall of the United States. I don't condemn an individual for his actions. I do believe that sins, as described in the Bible, will be punished at the reckoning of the soul. If this makes me a monster, so be it.
There are some meat an potatoes to the argument some would say makes me a monster. I'll lay it out. I believe homosexuality is a sin. It is listed as such in the Bible. I won't mince words about it, either. However, I won't stand on a street corner wearing signs condemning homosexuals or gay marriage. Killing another is a sin. Cheating on your wife is a sin. Stealing money from your companies 'kitty' fund is a sin. They are all equal and have the same consequences. One cannot be singled out for judgement because of a singular sin. You have to read the Bible to understand this position. If you believe differently, I won't say much about it unless asked. I will stand my ground on my beliefs.
I believe that all men, naturally woman, are created equal. Every person has the same rights as guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Let me say that again, "Every person has the same rights as guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights." It makes no difference the color of ones skin, one's sex, what country one is from, or even who they sleep with at night. I must, however, insert a caveat, equal rights unless someone breaks the legal agreement between the individual and the State. Don't understand? As long as a person does not violate the law, they are free to move about this Nation and live in peace. Violators of the law are subject to punishment.
Now, to some, I am a monster. If you disagree with what I have said, well too bad. There is the First Amendment and I will exercise it in accordance with the law (as long as I don't violate the user agreement of Blogger.). If you want to exercise your First Amendment rights, please do as long as you don't violate the law (and the user agreement).
I have been known to call liberal Christians hypocrites. Well, I have stopped doing that. It is not constructive to their faith, nor mine. I seldom, after much thought, tell someone is 'wrong' for their beliefs. If asked, yes, I will tell you that your interpretation maybe in error. I will show examples in the Bible and leave it to those concerned. I think that is fair. Jump up and down, condemning a contrary interpretation to my views.
So there, I am an ordinary person living life as best I can. You think I'm a monster? That's fine. However, it is unfair to lump select individuals with others without the proper framework. I am an individual. Free to make choices.
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