Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Truth and Justice Matter

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has been quoted as saying, "What difference, at this point, does it make?!" during hearings over the killing of American ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. I have to question Hillary's motives for making such a statement.

In the United States, the people expect the government to be press for justice for the victims of their fellow citizens killed in service to the country. That is the difference Hillary! We deserve and demand justice for the four Americans killed by terrorist in Libya. We expect the U.S. government to use every means 'legal' and possible for justice. If you commit a crime in the United States, the federal, state and local law enforcement agencies are expected to bring perpetrators to justice. For the crime of murder, those agencies work very hard to find, apprehend and prosecute criminals. This is no different. We demand justice!

It remains to be seen whether or not there is a conspiracy to cover-up mistakes made by the Obama administration in the matter. We want to know the truth. We can even handle the ugly truth. I hope justice, integrity and the truth do not become political ammunition for either Democrats or Republicans. Stand up and take your medicine if you made mistakes.

Hillary, it makes a great deal of difference to the American people about what happened in Benghazi.

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