Monday, May 27, 2013

Take a moment at 12:01

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. Unfortunately, Memorial Day has become the heralding of the summer season. It is the first party day of summer. A good many of Americans where I live spend it on the rivers and lakes around the area. Some never give a thought about what Memorial Day is about.

Memorial Day is set aside as a national holiday to mourn, celebrate and to give thanks to those brave souls who died in the service of their country. It does not matter if the conflict was popular or not, these men and women took up the challenge. They volunteered, or were drafted, the did what they considered  their patriotic duty.

Today, Monday, May 27, 2013, take a moment at 12:01 pm and give a moment of silence to those men and women who gave all they had. 

I did find it interesting about some numbers of soldiers serving in Vietnam. The draft called over 2 million Americans to serve in Vietnam. An additional 8 million volunteered. Whether they were drafted or the volunteered, many returned to subsequent tours.

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