In a few posts, I have been critical of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. I must admit that I do watch the show and look forward to new episodes. It's enjoyable and requires to ask questions about our world. However, any one watching Ancient Aliens should be cautious about some of the claims made. Do not take content at face value. It is important to do research about the topics covered. You must ask questions to fully understand what is being presented. I recently watch a show on YouTube called Ancient Aliens Debunked. This focuses on the "factual" information put forward by the producers of the show. Many of the claims on Ancient Aliens are challenged and it raises the question, "Are they for real?"
There are people who actually believe everything purported by ancient alien supporters. They believe aliens have visited Earth like others believe in God. They are just as adamant about their beliefs and any Christian. The beliefs are different yet just as valid as any other belief. In fact, they offer much more in the way of evidence that Christians are able to produce. There are thousands of photos of "flying saucers" but not one of God. You can laugh, but it is true.
Do your own research. Have an open mind whether you are on one side or the other. You just can't call someone crazy without knowing what they are talking about.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Words of UFOlogy
When watching television programming like Ancient Aliens, and recently America's Book of Secrets, there are a few words that you need pay attention to when spoken. These select words and short phrases provide clues to the ethereal nature of UFOlogy and the proof of alien visitation on Earth.Let's get started...
"I think"
Well, if you ever heard someone say "I think it's raining" only to look out a window and see that it wasn't, then you understand the usage of "I think." The usage of "I think" provides no evidence of truth. NONE! If you walk outside in July in Tennessee, you will think it is hot and muggy. You ave making a decision based on what you perceive as local atmospheric conditions with no empirical data. However, you can go get a thermometer and a hygrometer to measure how hot and muggy it is. Yet, you don't "know" until you measure it. Say, you are in the backyard one evening and see a curious light in the sky. If you think you are seeing a flying saucer, you are making a decision without any evidence. In fact, you are making that decision on, to plainly put it, ignorance.
Of course, it does get muddles when someone has read books, seen pictures and videos about aliens and their technology. The information being presented has to be weighed with filters to make sure the the information provided is based on fact and not what other people think. If you accept what someone else thinks without looking at their evidence, then you are doing so blindly. For instance...several years ago, the Vatican released a story that the existence of alien life does not contradict the belief in God. A comment was made on a television production that the reason the Vatican made this move was to get ahead of the information curve when the secret about the existence of life elsewhere in the universe AND it was prefaced by "I think." Was the thought based on information made available from the Pope or was the comment made with an assumption without direct evidence to why the Vatican made the announcement?
"Has to be" or "Had to be"
"I went fishing one time and I caught what had to be the biggest bass ever caught." How many times have your heard that one. Do you have a database of bass records and a measuring tape? Unless you do, you have no idea if you caught "the biggest bass ever." Of course, it makes excellent story telling. That's it. There is absolutely no proof that you did catch that huge fish. Let's say that again substituting a few words..."I was in my yard and I saw what had to be a flying saucer." Just how many flying saucers have you seen? Never seen one? It is kind of hard to determine something is a flying saucer if you have never seen one. To be fair, if you see a literal "flying saucer," it is entirely within the realm of possibility. But, wouldn't one say, it was a flying saucer instead of saying it "had to be"?
Any thing is possible. Any thing! However, not all things that are possible are probable. There is a possibility that a meteor is doing to crash down on my head the next time I walk out the door. Fortunately for me, the probability of that happening are very low. It is entirely possible, and probable, that life exists elsewhere in the universe. Yet, there is absolutely no evidence that life does exist beyond our solar system. It is important to understand the difference between what is possible and what is probable.
It has been speculated that "if" is one of the most commonly used words in the English language. When you couple "then" with "if," you have guesses or assumptions.You will commonly hear, "If there is alien life in the universe, then they would visit Earth." Really? On what information do you base that statement? There are many factors to determine whether or not an alien race would visit. They could be more backward that we are. They could not care about Earth and the creatures living on it. So, naturally, that "If...then" statement is based on no evidential facts. That statement is based on arrogance.
Finally, we hear statements like "the evidence suggests" this or that.The two words don't really go together. If the evidence is there, then it would do more than suggest. Evidence shows proof of something happening and would not suggest anything. If there were evidence of alien visitation, then there would be no need for suggestion. We would know, by default, that we have been visited by aliens.
I know. This topic is one for debate. Some people use words like "I think" and use "if...then" statements to convince others of their beliefs. Somethings you can take for granted because of knowledgeable personal experience. Other things we can take at face value because of documented evidence. Somethings, like alien spacecraft visiting us, takes a little more evidence than what can be suggested to.
Keep looking up. I do!
The photo is copyrighted material from The Guardian newspaper.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Martyrs don't run
Mr Snowden,
We appreciate your sharing the information about the IRS using it's resources to pry into American lives. However, it is time for you to come home. The role of a martyr means that you have to sacrifice yourself. You've done your deed. Now, you must come home and face judgement. You wanted to show your bravery by whistle blowing. Martyrs don't run. Martyrs aren't cowards.
If you want to dance, you must pay for the music.
We appreciate your sharing the information about the IRS using it's resources to pry into American lives. However, it is time for you to come home. The role of a martyr means that you have to sacrifice yourself. You've done your deed. Now, you must come home and face judgement. You wanted to show your bravery by whistle blowing. Martyrs don't run. Martyrs aren't cowards.
If you want to dance, you must pay for the music.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I found this interesting and wanted to share.
We all have opinions about politicians. To some, they work diligently for their constituents and, in reality, do. Others feel that politicians are a bit shady, taking kickbacks and gifts for pet projects, and, in reality, do. Some believe politicians are corrupt money makers who think only for themselves and not for the public trust. In reality, that is the way some politicians are. I think there are in a broad spectrum from honest, hard working people to lazy, "what's in it for me" politicians. Politicians are human just like everyone else. You can't fault them for that.
However, if any of the information above is true (I didn't not go digging around to verify the information), then the people on that list should not be in public office. There is something obviously 'shady' about politicians that have been "charged" and/or convicted of a crime. Not just convictions, but had warrants taken out and the court process entered. "Where's there's smoke..." IF Pat Ahumada has been "arrested three times" for DUI then there is something out of whack. Was he DUI? The citizens of Brownsville should step back and look at who they elect as Mayor. Richard Corkery? Child pornography (I did look into this one. Google him!)? Should I say more about this?
Again, I am NOT saying that any of the information is correct. I am merely presenting the information. I do urge that ALL CITIZENS look at your politicians and see if they are who you want doing your business. It doesn't matter whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or from the Flower Picker Party, be responsible and vote for politicians who really care and are not criminals.
I am not a member of Gunowners Against Illegal Mayors or the Second Amendment Foundation. However, I do support the Second Amendment as part of my rights as an American guaranteed by the Founding Fathers.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Tennesseans at war
The first European to travel through what would become Tennessee was Hernando de Soto in 1540. Tennessee played a key roll in the defeat of the British during the Revolutionary War when a thousand volunteers crossed the Smoky Mountains to fight at King's Mountain, South Carolina. Tennesseans volunteered again to marched to New Orleans to save it from the British in 1815. Later during the Texas Revolution in 1836, several noted Tennesseans, David Crockett and Sam Houston, stood with Texans at the Alamo. During the Civil War, Tennessee provided more troops that any state, both North and South. Some of the most costly battles in terms of the human toll were fought in Tennessee. Tennessee hosted the most military engagements during the Civil War than another state west of the Appalachian Mountains. The First Regiment of Tennessee was the most decorated state unit during the Spanish-American War.
During the 20th Century, a Tennessean became the most decorated soldier of World War I. Alvin York was awarded The Congressional Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross which require extreme circumstances of gallantry, courage and sacrifice. York was honored for gallantry by France, Italy and Montenegro. During World War II and beyond, Tennesseans served in distinction and with gallantry. In 1941 during the "Tennessee Maneuvers," George S Patton led troops in one of the largest training maneuvers held on U.S. soil in the 20th Century. Tennesseans are serving in Afghanistan, Kuwait and on the Great Horn of Africa.
All states are represented by their brave men and women who left their homes to fight in combat. All Americans owe a debt of gratitude to those who served. Tennessee is singular in that it is my home.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Bill Gates, Kiss my ASS!
Microsoft Irks Entire Military Community With Xbox One
This is the biggest crock I have ever seen! You can fight for Microsoft's right to exist, but you can't play on our new XBOX One. They better back up on this one!!
Friday, June 14, 2013
OMG! This exactly how I feel every time I see one of those commercials advertising hair removal products featuring men. Especially, when they are shown shaving their legs and forearms. Then, there are those who show women who prefer men with hair 'here' and 'there.' So, let her want hair 'here' and 'there,' but what she wants isn't what she should get! I grew up with the idea that 'true beauty is on the inside.' It is very apparent that men should bow to the likes of their would be mates. Dude, if you shave your legs for her now, you are going to be locking a collar around your neck. Have some self-respect and refuse.
Being a man is about standing on your two feet. I will include gay men in this too. There is no way a man should change his body for another person. It does not matter if it is shaving your chest, getting piercings or tattoos. If you want to shave your chest, go for it! If you want a tattoo, go for it! If someone really loves you, they will not ask you or, worst, require you to shave. If you do like having day old stubble on your legs, go for it.
DO NOT give away your manhood! What if she asks you to cut your nuts off???
Being a man is about standing on your two feet. I will include gay men in this too. There is no way a man should change his body for another person. It does not matter if it is shaving your chest, getting piercings or tattoos. If you want to shave your chest, go for it! If you want a tattoo, go for it! If someone really loves you, they will not ask you or, worst, require you to shave. If you do like having day old stubble on your legs, go for it.
DO NOT give away your manhood! What if she asks you to cut your nuts off???
Monday, June 10, 2013
Google Calender FAIL
For years Microsoft has pretty much ran the calendar world with Outlook. Businesses have come to depend on it. Google sneaks in with a suite of web based tools to challenge Office. At first, Microsoft and Google worked well together until Google decided to throw in the proverbial monkey wrench. You were about to share your Google Calendar with Outlook as simply as copy and paste for free. Now Google has their own suite of business tools and slap, bang, Bob's your uncle, it's costs money. Unless you want to pay Google, you can no longer sync your Google calendar with Outlook.
For some people, like me, I don't have a business but have been using Microsoft Outlook for so long, we have gotten very, very comfortable with it. It has become like your favorite hammer or chair. You just simply have to have it. No other calender programs provides the same set up as Outlook. I love it. Thunderbird fails because it's arrangement does not provide for a starting point like "Outlook Today." Evolution is slowly, painfully so, to Windows. It does provide some similarities to Outlook, but they are not the same. I look at it like this...if you love red delicious apples and have to eat a granny smiths. VMware has Zimbra up and coming, but like Google it's cloud based. I'm not sure about the cloud yet.
My solution to how to get Google and Outlook to play together is awkward, but not prohibitively so. I have made my Google Calender an RSS feed which I can pick up with Outlook. Then, I just copy the information. If there's a will, right? As I said, it isn't a easy as syncing your Gmail with Outlook but it works until something comers along.
Duh, you know the products mentioned about and who owns them.
For some people, like me, I don't have a business but have been using Microsoft Outlook for so long, we have gotten very, very comfortable with it. It has become like your favorite hammer or chair. You just simply have to have it. No other calender programs provides the same set up as Outlook. I love it. Thunderbird fails because it's arrangement does not provide for a starting point like "Outlook Today." Evolution is slowly, painfully so, to Windows. It does provide some similarities to Outlook, but they are not the same. I look at it like this...if you love red delicious apples and have to eat a granny smiths. VMware has Zimbra up and coming, but like Google it's cloud based. I'm not sure about the cloud yet.
My solution to how to get Google and Outlook to play together is awkward, but not prohibitively so. I have made my Google Calender an RSS feed which I can pick up with Outlook. Then, I just copy the information. If there's a will, right? As I said, it isn't a easy as syncing your Gmail with Outlook but it works until something comers along.
Duh, you know the products mentioned about and who owns them.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Curse the Snake
A few caveats before I get into this.
1. I lived a great deal of my childhood years either living on the country or at my grandparents farm;
2.. I grew up hunting and fishing. I know my animals;
3. I have read the Bible and I am a fundamentally, conservative Christian.
Why do we hate snakes? I have seen people swerve on the road to run over a snake. Not just poisonous snakes, like rattlesnakes or copperheads, but the 'beneficial' snakes like king snakes and chicken snakes. We go out of our way to miss skunks, deer buzzards and other animals, yet the snake is a target. People get axes and hoes and lop off the heads of snakes they find in their yards, all snakes. I get annoyed when people tell stories of the snakes the kill in the yard and they exclaim they didn't know what kind it was. Sounds like ignorance. Outdoors men, who should know their snakes, are not immune to this ignorance.
Is this mania because of the Bible? Genesis gives the account of how the Serpent lured Eve to taste the forbidden fruit. Yes, God told the Serpent that people and animals will fear snakes. Does that mean we have to kill every snake we have the opportunity to kill? My take on this is...God instilled the fear in snakes to protect us from the beguiling color and pattern on snakes. The warning is to be cautious of beauty and high promises. That is what the Serpent promised Eve! There was even a gentle truth wrapped up in the lie. The Serpent said, "Ye will not surely die." Eve tasted the fruit and did not "die," physically. Be cautious is the meaning of the expulsion from Eden.
Snakes, like some of the other animals in the world are misunderstood. Some are very poisonous, while others give a nasty bite that hurts and get infected. Snakes have a poison for the purpose of obtaining food. It is no different than fearing sharks because they have big teeth (I stay out of murky over the knee seawater.). Other snakes have powerful constricting muscles to strangle their prey. There is no need for any human to be afraid of non-poisonous snakes. They will bite, but everything else harmful is your fear. The the majority of poisonous snakes in the United States can kill a human. These deaths are caused by improper or no medical treatment. Yeah, the poison hurts, causing swelling, infections and other complications. Terrible effects for sure but not deadly.
When will I kill a snake? I will kill a snake when it can't be helped, such as on the highway. I will not go out of my way to kill one. As a general rule, I do not kill non-poisonous snakes. The situation would be dire. I can tell the difference. If I am out hunting or fishing, I will not kill a poisonous snake as long as they go there way and are not danger to me. I will kill a poisonous snake in my yard where it threatens my family or my pets. I let black racers race away in through my yard. There is no reason to kill any animal you are not going to eat or is not causing a threat. We don't kill foxes in the yard unless they are after the chickens. They can be ran off easily.
The Bible's story of Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden is not a cart blanche to kill snakes. Yet, many use that as an excuse. I'm not Jewish so I do not know if snakes are Kosher (I really doubt they are). That doesn't mean that because you can't eat it means should kill it. Being afraid of snakes is not much of an excuse in my book. If you see a snake stay away from it. Killing shows a weakness on your part (LOL). If you live in an area where snakes are common, educate yourself. If not, you could be killing a natural mouse exterminator. Think about what you are doing before you do it. Easy on the knee jerks.
1. I lived a great deal of my childhood years either living on the country or at my grandparents farm;
2.. I grew up hunting and fishing. I know my animals;
3. I have read the Bible and I am a fundamentally, conservative Christian.
Why do we hate snakes? I have seen people swerve on the road to run over a snake. Not just poisonous snakes, like rattlesnakes or copperheads, but the 'beneficial' snakes like king snakes and chicken snakes. We go out of our way to miss skunks, deer buzzards and other animals, yet the snake is a target. People get axes and hoes and lop off the heads of snakes they find in their yards, all snakes. I get annoyed when people tell stories of the snakes the kill in the yard and they exclaim they didn't know what kind it was. Sounds like ignorance. Outdoors men, who should know their snakes, are not immune to this ignorance.
Is this mania because of the Bible? Genesis gives the account of how the Serpent lured Eve to taste the forbidden fruit. Yes, God told the Serpent that people and animals will fear snakes. Does that mean we have to kill every snake we have the opportunity to kill? My take on this is...God instilled the fear in snakes to protect us from the beguiling color and pattern on snakes. The warning is to be cautious of beauty and high promises. That is what the Serpent promised Eve! There was even a gentle truth wrapped up in the lie. The Serpent said, "Ye will not surely die." Eve tasted the fruit and did not "die," physically. Be cautious is the meaning of the expulsion from Eden.
Snakes, like some of the other animals in the world are misunderstood. Some are very poisonous, while others give a nasty bite that hurts and get infected. Snakes have a poison for the purpose of obtaining food. It is no different than fearing sharks because they have big teeth (I stay out of murky over the knee seawater.). Other snakes have powerful constricting muscles to strangle their prey. There is no need for any human to be afraid of non-poisonous snakes. They will bite, but everything else harmful is your fear. The the majority of poisonous snakes in the United States can kill a human. These deaths are caused by improper or no medical treatment. Yeah, the poison hurts, causing swelling, infections and other complications. Terrible effects for sure but not deadly.
When will I kill a snake? I will kill a snake when it can't be helped, such as on the highway. I will not go out of my way to kill one. As a general rule, I do not kill non-poisonous snakes. The situation would be dire. I can tell the difference. If I am out hunting or fishing, I will not kill a poisonous snake as long as they go there way and are not danger to me. I will kill a poisonous snake in my yard where it threatens my family or my pets. I let black racers race away in through my yard. There is no reason to kill any animal you are not going to eat or is not causing a threat. We don't kill foxes in the yard unless they are after the chickens. They can be ran off easily.
The Bible's story of Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden is not a cart blanche to kill snakes. Yet, many use that as an excuse. I'm not Jewish so I do not know if snakes are Kosher (I really doubt they are). That doesn't mean that because you can't eat it means should kill it. Being afraid of snakes is not much of an excuse in my book. If you see a snake stay away from it. Killing shows a weakness on your part (LOL). If you live in an area where snakes are common, educate yourself. If not, you could be killing a natural mouse exterminator. Think about what you are doing before you do it. Easy on the knee jerks.
"The belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God."
With the latest news regarding the rape of American freedoms, Now, we have Verizon-gate The breaking of the secret court order demanding Verizon to turn over cell phone records sounds shocking. As far as I know, all major wireless communications providers have been ordered to supply the government with data from their users. So, if you are a Verizon customer, don't feel you are being picked on. Yet, that doesn't make anyone feel better. No one wants the government intruding into our daily lives. After all, what we do is our business. Right?
The list of what you can't do and what the government can do has grown over the last 25 years. Terrifyingly so since 2001. The government can use infrared cameras to inside your house for suspicious activity (there are some restrictions). You cannot expect privacy in your yard IF the police are in a helicopter or, recently, drones. In some states, you can no longer own certain firearms. The government tells your kids what to wear to school and what they say (Don't let you kids talk about the positives of gun ownership.) even how they act (No playing "good guy, bad guy.") The government requires you to pay for a service you don't want or don't need. There are other things, but these are the ones that come to mind.
The immortal words of JFK have been turned on us. In his inaugural speech, Kennedy said, "And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God." Americans have come to believe that our rights are given and taken away by the government. In the last 50 years, our rights have been turned on their ears. It's not an Obama thing. It's not a Democrat thing. It's become an American thing. WE MUST CHANGE THIS!!!
The list of what you can't do and what the government can do has grown over the last 25 years. Terrifyingly so since 2001. The government can use infrared cameras to inside your house for suspicious activity (there are some restrictions). You cannot expect privacy in your yard IF the police are in a helicopter or, recently, drones. In some states, you can no longer own certain firearms. The government tells your kids what to wear to school and what they say (Don't let you kids talk about the positives of gun ownership.) even how they act (No playing "good guy, bad guy.") The government requires you to pay for a service you don't want or don't need. There are other things, but these are the ones that come to mind.
The immortal words of JFK have been turned on us. In his inaugural speech, Kennedy said, "And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God." Americans have come to believe that our rights are given and taken away by the government. In the last 50 years, our rights have been turned on their ears. It's not an Obama thing. It's not a Democrat thing. It's become an American thing. WE MUST CHANGE THIS!!!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
America is in a Mental Health Crisis!! DUH!!
Mr Obama hit the nail on the head when he said that the United States is in a mental health crisis. Unfortunately, there are more people needing mental health on the liberal side of the fence than on the conservative side. Loonies are on all sides of the political arena. I know that isn't fair. I'm not really looking to be fair, politically, but I am going to point out a few things that should have made the President realize what he said and someone in the audience should have shouted, "Duh!" I have a few instances to point out.
When people say, "I hear voices," that is a clue that something isn't right somewhere. We all hear, or think we hear, things all the time. That's a normal genetic awareness in survival. However, when an individual tells you that the government is sending microwave messages directly into your brain and he can't decode it until he sleeps, there's a problem. If one has to change their lifestyle to avoid being "texted" then one needs help. There are quit a few people in the US that have this problem but do not seek help because the medical community is 'in' on it.
I really guess we are uber-paranoids. I'm not talking about the normal, run-of-the-mill paranoia that we all have. This is different. People get polarized license plate covers because they don't want the traffic cameras to tagged their plates. I personally know an individual who keeps his cellphone off until he/she wants to make a call. If you want to call him/she, you are out of luck because the phone is not turned on. Do you own a GPS receiver in your car like a Garmin or TomTom? A few people don't because the government can track their locations using some kind of feedback system. Gun registration is a big topic, but some take it to extreme. Some of these folks need help. People with severe paranoia kill other people. It's a known fact.
The National Geographic Channel has a show called "Taboo." Watch it if you get a chance. Some are in need of mental help assistance. A woman who believes she needs to be handicapped. She has asked a doctor to handicap her so she can be complete. She has a handicapped parking placard. People who believe their dog is human. Furries! People dress up in animal costumes and do things dog do (sniffing butts, etc.). Furries have also been featured on CBS' CSI. The guy that treats balloons like humans. The list goes on. These are the ones that stick in my mind.
These people have problems. Some serious to where they effect their families. Yes, I'll say it again, "These people have problems." I make no apologies. We need to look at aberrational behavior with a different light than just accept it. We are ignoring the fact that there are people who are just, well, crazy! There is nothing normal about wanting to have the nerves in your lower body severed so you can be handicapped. This should be disdained for what it is. Sex change operations? Yep, people believing their are a man in a woman's body or vice versa are crazy. They need help. We should not be accepting of this behavior.
Naturally, there are degrees. Worrying about the government taking away our guns is a real danger. It is happening in some states monthly. Seeing ghosts? Thinking one sees a ghost now and again is not too far off center. When someone sits down with them and has dinner, there is an issue. UFOs? Sure we all see things in the sky from time to time that we cannot explain. When someone points out a common place, logical explanation for something and you still believe in the ethereal explanation, there is a problem.
We need to stop accepting someone as being 'odd.' Mental illness can destroy a family and lives if we don't look at 'craziness' as what it is. We laugh. We poke fun. We ignore the real issue. Help people who need it. Don't ignore it. Don't say, "each to his own." Permissiveness does more harm than good. Yes, Mr President, like Houston, we have a problem.
When people say, "I hear voices," that is a clue that something isn't right somewhere. We all hear, or think we hear, things all the time. That's a normal genetic awareness in survival. However, when an individual tells you that the government is sending microwave messages directly into your brain and he can't decode it until he sleeps, there's a problem. If one has to change their lifestyle to avoid being "texted" then one needs help. There are quit a few people in the US that have this problem but do not seek help because the medical community is 'in' on it.
I really guess we are uber-paranoids. I'm not talking about the normal, run-of-the-mill paranoia that we all have. This is different. People get polarized license plate covers because they don't want the traffic cameras to tagged their plates. I personally know an individual who keeps his cellphone off until he/she wants to make a call. If you want to call him/she, you are out of luck because the phone is not turned on. Do you own a GPS receiver in your car like a Garmin or TomTom? A few people don't because the government can track their locations using some kind of feedback system. Gun registration is a big topic, but some take it to extreme. Some of these folks need help. People with severe paranoia kill other people. It's a known fact.
The National Geographic Channel has a show called "Taboo." Watch it if you get a chance. Some are in need of mental help assistance. A woman who believes she needs to be handicapped. She has asked a doctor to handicap her so she can be complete. She has a handicapped parking placard. People who believe their dog is human. Furries! People dress up in animal costumes and do things dog do (sniffing butts, etc.). Furries have also been featured on CBS' CSI. The guy that treats balloons like humans. The list goes on. These are the ones that stick in my mind.
These people have problems. Some serious to where they effect their families. Yes, I'll say it again, "These people have problems." I make no apologies. We need to look at aberrational behavior with a different light than just accept it. We are ignoring the fact that there are people who are just, well, crazy! There is nothing normal about wanting to have the nerves in your lower body severed so you can be handicapped. This should be disdained for what it is. Sex change operations? Yep, people believing their are a man in a woman's body or vice versa are crazy. They need help. We should not be accepting of this behavior.
Naturally, there are degrees. Worrying about the government taking away our guns is a real danger. It is happening in some states monthly. Seeing ghosts? Thinking one sees a ghost now and again is not too far off center. When someone sits down with them and has dinner, there is an issue. UFOs? Sure we all see things in the sky from time to time that we cannot explain. When someone points out a common place, logical explanation for something and you still believe in the ethereal explanation, there is a problem.
We need to stop accepting someone as being 'odd.' Mental illness can destroy a family and lives if we don't look at 'craziness' as what it is. We laugh. We poke fun. We ignore the real issue. Help people who need it. Don't ignore it. Don't say, "each to his own." Permissiveness does more harm than good. Yes, Mr President, like Houston, we have a problem.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Giving Away Our Social Benefits
Fox News ran a story last night (June 2, 2013) about a Cuban refugee in Florida who came to the US 20 years ago and social security ever since. Wait a minute? How can you be eligible for social security and not work a day? Something is missing. Illegal aliens* getting social security is not some half cocked scare tactic by racist white people. It's a fact! What I found particularly disturbing is that this illegal alien is working to convince other illegal aliens to get on social security. Florida was wanting to expand their public programs by $1 billion using FEDERAL money!! Not, "needing to" but "wanting to." Who's gonna pay for it?
In the same news story, Fox News reported that in Florida, you can use Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards at casinos and strip clubs. Strip clubs? I did some checking. You can use your EBT cards in liquor store in Michigan and California. There is a place called "99 Cent Plus Wine & Beer" in Mesa, Arizona. If you have an EBT and are in Ft Wayne, Indiana, you can shop at "Grillmaster Choice Meats, Inc." If you are traveling with your RV or camper, you can stop by at the "Space Station" RV park in Beatty, Nevada or at "Fabulous Freddy's Car Wash" in Vegas. And, to be fair, I did not see one casino listed. A household does not need to shop at a liquor store. They definitely don't need to be shopping at strip clubs. Shopping for 'choice meats?" That's questionable. Hopefully, they sell some not-so choice foods as well.
Tell me what the problem is and why people should be allowed to be on social security when they have not paid one cent into the system. When people ask why there is no money in the social security system, now you can give them an example of why social security system is broke. The welfare system is getting silly ridiculous.
* Cuban refugees are technically illegal aliens. Due to political "necessity" they were given sanctuary. They did have to apply for citizenship. It was not given "just because."
In the same news story, Fox News reported that in Florida, you can use Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards at casinos and strip clubs. Strip clubs? I did some checking. You can use your EBT cards in liquor store in Michigan and California. There is a place called "99 Cent Plus Wine & Beer" in Mesa, Arizona. If you have an EBT and are in Ft Wayne, Indiana, you can shop at "Grillmaster Choice Meats, Inc." If you are traveling with your RV or camper, you can stop by at the "Space Station" RV park in Beatty, Nevada or at "Fabulous Freddy's Car Wash" in Vegas. And, to be fair, I did not see one casino listed. A household does not need to shop at a liquor store. They definitely don't need to be shopping at strip clubs. Shopping for 'choice meats?" That's questionable. Hopefully, they sell some not-so choice foods as well.
If you are on a social subsistence program, you do not need to be going to liquor stores, strip clubs or casinos! Especially, if you have kids to take care of and a certain amount of your benefits belongs to them. THIS IS FREAKING RIDICULOUS! Social programs are available as a last resort and are not designed to put individuals or families in a better lifestyle. Are you are a single mom with two kids and just lost your job? Sure, get social benefits until you can get a new job and move on. Most states will give you money for a babysitter while you look for a new job. Please don't use the system for 5-10 years! Don't misunderstand me. I'm not hating on "normal" people who get down on their luck. But, let's be reasonable.
Tell me what the problem is and why people should be allowed to be on social security when they have not paid one cent into the system. When people ask why there is no money in the social security system, now you can give them an example of why social security system is broke. The welfare system is getting silly ridiculous.
* Cuban refugees are technically illegal aliens. Due to political "necessity" they were given sanctuary. They did have to apply for citizenship. It was not given "just because."
Sunday, June 2, 2013
OMG! Wal-Mart Racist!!
We all talk about how bad Wal-Mart is. It's actually a favorite topic along with the weather, the 'how are you's and the like. There are good things and bad things about Wal-Mart, just like another business. This I noticed today...
We were shopping at the Wal-Mart in Paris, TN and I noticed something that stuck me funny. I'm sure you noticed the ethnic foods all lumped together. I'm sure it is, and my wife assured me it was so, for convenience. Well, look at it another way. Ethnic foods are organized by the general grouping by what we call 'race.' The Kosher food in one section. The Mexican/Hispanic food is in one section. The Asian food is in one section. Isn't that food separated by race? Doesn't that make Wal-mart racist to organize food to suit the taste of specific ethnic background? It's also insulting. Are Asians unable to find their ethnic food organized along general merchandising sections? I know that the re-fried beans are made from frijoles. I mean, people look for beans in the bean aisle. If you are looking for gefilte fish, wouldn't you look in with the tuna, salmon or mackerel?
I know Wal-Mart would never do anything to insult an ethnic group. I'm not saying that Wal-Mart is really racist. It just appears that way in an underlying, subconscious level. Other businesses do the same thing. Yet, does that make it right? You decide.
We were shopping at the Wal-Mart in Paris, TN and I noticed something that stuck me funny. I'm sure you noticed the ethnic foods all lumped together. I'm sure it is, and my wife assured me it was so, for convenience. Well, look at it another way. Ethnic foods are organized by the general grouping by what we call 'race.' The Kosher food in one section. The Mexican/Hispanic food is in one section. The Asian food is in one section. Isn't that food separated by race? Doesn't that make Wal-mart racist to organize food to suit the taste of specific ethnic background? It's also insulting. Are Asians unable to find their ethnic food organized along general merchandising sections? I know that the re-fried beans are made from frijoles. I mean, people look for beans in the bean aisle. If you are looking for gefilte fish, wouldn't you look in with the tuna, salmon or mackerel?
I know Wal-Mart would never do anything to insult an ethnic group. I'm not saying that Wal-Mart is really racist. It just appears that way in an underlying, subconscious level. Other businesses do the same thing. Yet, does that make it right? You decide.
But, I've got a pair...
The latest, greatest thing from Hollywood is 3D*. I really can't get into the 3D movies. The extra dimension takes away from the story the filmmaker is trying to tell. It's distracting. I think it is down right annoying. The ideal technology is to have the flick in 3D without a requirement for special eye wear. That has been a long time coming and will continue to be a long time coming. The idea of holographic movies died out in the 80s as a dismal failure. That technology has been abandoned for the more likely technology of "beaming" the movie into your brain, not too unlike "The Box" in Batman Forever.
Of course, there is the age old dilemma for prescription glasses wearer. You either wear your prescription specs with your 3D glasses and miss part or all of the effect, or you take off your specs and only wear the 3Ds and miss the detail. Of course, if you wear contacts, there problem is eliminated. Again, a device similar to "The Box" mentioned above would solve that problem.
Here's the important part...when you go to a 3D movie, you get those nice, sharp looking Wayfarer, sunglasses knockoffs. Oh, after you PAY for them. When you leave the movie, you are tempted to take them home and take them to your next 3D movie event. When you go see your next fantastic 3D masterpiece, you are charged extra for a new pair of "Wayfarers." You pull the ones from your previous outing from your pocket and show them to the cashier. SURPRISE!! You have to buy a new pair! This continues ad nauseum. You end up being stuck with 200 pairs of 3D glasses that you have paid for but can't reuse.
Now, the kicker...When you leave the movie house, there is a nice little box for you to recycle your 3D glasses, that you paid for. They take those glasses out of the boxes, disinfect them, put them in nice little bags and SELL THEM TO YOU AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! It is entirely possible (yes, unlikely) that every time you go see a 3D movie, you are buying the same glasses over and over and over. I'm telling you it's a racket!!!
Well, besides, the deal with the glasses, I'm not too fond of 3D movies. Yeah, Jaws 3-D was way cool. It was something different. Actually, without 3D, the movie kinda sucks. 3D movies have become the norm. They lack the "wow" effect that all commonly used technology does. You give me good actors and a great story and you don't need fancy effects. Tell a story for Pete's sake!!
* 3D is nothing new. It's been around for nearly a hundred years. William Castle used 3D as a great gimmick for his campy horror films in the 50s. The technology was only 'groundbreaking' when used as novelty. The only thing I remember about Captain EO was the very beginning and it lasted under 5 minutes (sorry, so spoiler).
Of course, there is the age old dilemma for prescription glasses wearer. You either wear your prescription specs with your 3D glasses and miss part or all of the effect, or you take off your specs and only wear the 3Ds and miss the detail. Of course, if you wear contacts, there problem is eliminated. Again, a device similar to "The Box" mentioned above would solve that problem.
Here's the important part...when you go to a 3D movie, you get those nice, sharp looking Wayfarer, sunglasses knockoffs. Oh, after you PAY for them. When you leave the movie, you are tempted to take them home and take them to your next 3D movie event. When you go see your next fantastic 3D masterpiece, you are charged extra for a new pair of "Wayfarers." You pull the ones from your previous outing from your pocket and show them to the cashier. SURPRISE!! You have to buy a new pair! This continues ad nauseum. You end up being stuck with 200 pairs of 3D glasses that you have paid for but can't reuse.
Now, the kicker...When you leave the movie house, there is a nice little box for you to recycle your 3D glasses, that you paid for. They take those glasses out of the boxes, disinfect them, put them in nice little bags and SELL THEM TO YOU AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! It is entirely possible (yes, unlikely) that every time you go see a 3D movie, you are buying the same glasses over and over and over. I'm telling you it's a racket!!!
Well, besides, the deal with the glasses, I'm not too fond of 3D movies. Yeah, Jaws 3-D was way cool. It was something different. Actually, without 3D, the movie kinda sucks. 3D movies have become the norm. They lack the "wow" effect that all commonly used technology does. You give me good actors and a great story and you don't need fancy effects. Tell a story for Pete's sake!!
* 3D is nothing new. It's been around for nearly a hundred years. William Castle used 3D as a great gimmick for his campy horror films in the 50s. The technology was only 'groundbreaking' when used as novelty. The only thing I remember about Captain EO was the very beginning and it lasted under 5 minutes (sorry, so spoiler).
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