The latest, greatest thing from Hollywood is 3D*. I really can't get into the 3D movies. The extra dimension takes away from the story the filmmaker is trying to tell. It's distracting. I think it is down right annoying. The ideal technology is to have the flick in 3D without a requirement for special eye wear. That has been a long time coming and will continue to be a long time coming. The idea of holographic movies died out in the 80s as a dismal failure. That technology has been abandoned for the more likely technology of "beaming" the movie into your brain, not too unlike "The Box" in Batman Forever.
Of course, there is the age old dilemma for prescription glasses wearer. You either wear your prescription specs with your 3D glasses and miss part or all of the effect, or you take off your specs and only wear the 3Ds and miss the detail. Of course, if you wear contacts, there problem is eliminated. Again, a device similar to "The Box" mentioned above would solve that problem.
Here's the important part...when you go to a 3D movie, you get those nice, sharp looking Wayfarer, sunglasses knockoffs. Oh, after you PAY for them. When you leave the movie, you are tempted to take them home and take them to your next 3D movie event. When you go see your next fantastic 3D masterpiece, you are charged extra for a new pair of "Wayfarers." You pull the ones from your previous outing from your pocket and show them to the cashier. SURPRISE!! You have to buy a new pair! This continues ad nauseum. You end up being stuck with 200 pairs of 3D glasses that you have paid for but can't reuse.
Now, the kicker...When you leave the movie house, there is a nice little box for you to recycle your 3D glasses, that you paid for. They take those glasses out of the boxes, disinfect them, put them in nice little bags and SELL THEM TO YOU AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! It is entirely possible (yes, unlikely) that every time you go see a 3D movie, you are buying the same glasses over and over and over. I'm telling you it's a racket!!!
Well, besides, the deal with the glasses, I'm not too fond of 3D movies. Yeah, Jaws 3-D was way cool. It was something different. Actually, without 3D, the movie kinda sucks. 3D movies have become the norm. They lack the "wow" effect that all commonly used technology does. You give me good actors and a great story and you don't need fancy effects. Tell a story for Pete's sake!!
* 3D is nothing new. It's been around for nearly a hundred years. William Castle used 3D as a great gimmick for his campy horror films in the 50s. The technology was only 'groundbreaking' when used as novelty. The only thing I remember about Captain EO was the very beginning and it lasted under 5 minutes (sorry, so spoiler).
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