Mr Obama hit the nail on the head when he said that the United States is in a mental health crisis. Unfortunately, there are more people needing mental health on the liberal side of the fence than on the conservative side. Loonies are on all sides of the political arena. I know that isn't fair. I'm not really looking to be fair, politically, but I am going to point out a few things that should have made the President realize what he said and someone in the audience should have shouted, "Duh!" I have a few instances to point out.
When people say, "I hear voices," that is a clue that something isn't right somewhere. We all hear, or think we hear, things all the time. That's a normal genetic awareness in survival. However, when an individual tells you that the government is sending microwave messages directly into your brain and he can't decode it until he sleeps, there's a problem. If one has to change their lifestyle to avoid being "texted" then one needs help. There are quit a few people in the US that have this problem but do not seek help because the medical community is 'in' on it.
I really guess we are uber-paranoids. I'm not talking about the normal, run-of-the-mill paranoia that we all have. This is different. People get polarized license plate covers because they don't want the traffic cameras to tagged their plates. I personally know an individual who keeps his cellphone off until he/she wants to make a call. If you want to call him/she, you are out of luck because the phone is not turned on. Do you own a GPS receiver in your car like a Garmin or TomTom? A few people don't because the government can track their locations using some kind of feedback system. Gun registration is a big topic, but some take it to extreme. Some of these folks need help. People with severe paranoia kill other people. It's a known fact.
The National Geographic Channel has a show called "Taboo." Watch it if you get a chance. Some are in need of mental help assistance. A woman who believes she needs to be handicapped. She has asked a doctor to handicap her so she can be complete. She has a handicapped parking placard. People who believe their dog is human. Furries! People dress up in animal costumes and do things dog do (sniffing butts, etc.). Furries have also been featured on CBS' CSI. The guy that treats balloons like humans. The list goes on. These are the ones that stick in my mind.
These people have problems. Some serious to where they effect their families. Yes, I'll say it again, "These people have problems." I make no apologies. We need to look at aberrational behavior with a different light than just accept it. We are ignoring the fact that there are people who are just, well, crazy! There is nothing normal about wanting to have the nerves in your lower body severed so you can be handicapped. This should be disdained for what it is. Sex change operations? Yep, people believing their are a man in a woman's body or vice versa are crazy. They need help. We should not be accepting of this behavior.
Naturally, there are degrees. Worrying about the government taking away our guns is a real danger. It is happening in some states monthly. Seeing ghosts? Thinking one sees a ghost now and again is not too far off center. When someone sits down with them and has dinner, there is an issue. UFOs? Sure we all see things in the sky from time to time that we cannot explain. When someone points out a common place, logical explanation for something and you still believe in the ethereal explanation, there is a problem.
We need to stop accepting someone as being 'odd.' Mental illness can destroy a family and lives if we don't look at 'craziness' as what it is. We laugh. We poke fun. We ignore the real issue. Help people who need it. Don't ignore it. Don't say, "each to his own." Permissiveness does more harm than good. Yes, Mr President, like Houston, we have a problem.
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