Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?
All across America, indeed around the world, we have all been talking about what we got for Christmas. I didn't get what I wanted the most of all. What did I want? I guess it was an unrealistic wish, I suppose. That is what Christmas is all about, asking for things that you won't get. All I wanted for Christmas was all the Americans who are serving overseas to come home. Yeah, I know...just like wishing for world peace.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Ridiculous over FAT
The latest and greatest big news is that a complaint has been made that Santa Claus is too fat. This is setting a bad example for youngsters. That is so insane!! A mythical person has more influence on children causing them to be overweight than anything else. Forget about, overeating, lack of parental control or the sodas available in the schools; it's Santa making our kids fat! Let me repeat what I said earlier, "That is insane!!"
Well, time to fight back. I am so upset with all the images of Jesus Christ being a gaunt, skinny fellow. Just look! Jesus needs to put on some weight. He is causing junior teens to be too skinny. Wrong example. What about Buddha? I have to write a letter to the Dalai Lama and express my concern that all those images of the rolly-polly Buddha is causing obesity among certain segments of the population. Buddha needs a diet! Another, wrong example.
Who cares if Santa is a little rotund? He had been that way for dozens of decades or longer. Okay, people lets focus on the real issues! It's not Santa making kids fat, it's the lifestyles they are allowed to live. I bet the person who decided to blame Santa for their fat kids just pulled away from McDonald's for the 5th night in a row because they are too lazy to cook or too stupid know how.
Well, time to fight back. I am so upset with all the images of Jesus Christ being a gaunt, skinny fellow. Just look! Jesus needs to put on some weight. He is causing junior teens to be too skinny. Wrong example. What about Buddha? I have to write a letter to the Dalai Lama and express my concern that all those images of the rolly-polly Buddha is causing obesity among certain segments of the population. Buddha needs a diet! Another, wrong example.
Who cares if Santa is a little rotund? He had been that way for dozens of decades or longer. Okay, people lets focus on the real issues! It's not Santa making kids fat, it's the lifestyles they are allowed to live. I bet the person who decided to blame Santa for their fat kids just pulled away from McDonald's for the 5th night in a row because they are too lazy to cook or too stupid know how.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Confused Christians
This is complimentary to the post about atheists. This time I am talking about those Christians who think that they have the market on the right faith.
I'm working with a mix of guys from all over the state and from different backgrounds. We were talking about faith and I was baited with a question about my faith. I was asked that, if I died and God judged me to spend eternity in Hell because what I believed was wrong. The guy asking said that 'what if so'n so was right and I was wrong. Admittedly, I almost went ballistic. He was saying that my faith was wrong and his was right. I asserted that there was no way to know who's faith was right based on their interruption. Maybe I should not have lot my temper, but Christ never said that there was a 'right' way or wrong way be believe as long as we believed in him.
It is hard to tell which is better...those who have no faith or those whose faith they believe is better. Let every one life and believe as they will. I do know that it is better to be tolerant of the faith of others. let them tend to their own souls.
I'm working with a mix of guys from all over the state and from different backgrounds. We were talking about faith and I was baited with a question about my faith. I was asked that, if I died and God judged me to spend eternity in Hell because what I believed was wrong. The guy asking said that 'what if so'n so was right and I was wrong. Admittedly, I almost went ballistic. He was saying that my faith was wrong and his was right. I asserted that there was no way to know who's faith was right based on their interruption. Maybe I should not have lot my temper, but Christ never said that there was a 'right' way or wrong way be believe as long as we believed in him.
It is hard to tell which is better...those who have no faith or those whose faith they believe is better. Let every one life and believe as they will. I do know that it is better to be tolerant of the faith of others. let them tend to their own souls.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Good conduct
Our high school football team recently returned from the Tennessee 1A state championship with a terrible loss. (I'm not going to tell the score.) But, that isn't the plot for this little opinion.
Before the game, the stadium at Middle Tennessee State University played ads relating to how all players should play fairly and with good conduct. That is great! Because we all know how we hate unsportsman-like conduct and sore losers. Well, before the first half, our football coach was verbally abusing the referees. Guess what! He earned a 15 yard penalty for unsportsman-like conduct. How can we expect our schools to teach kids to be good sports when their teachers can't manage to do it themselves?
I think that is is terrible that a coach should get a penalty for bad behavior.
Before the game, the stadium at Middle Tennessee State University played ads relating to how all players should play fairly and with good conduct. That is great! Because we all know how we hate unsportsman-like conduct and sore losers. Well, before the first half, our football coach was verbally abusing the referees. Guess what! He earned a 15 yard penalty for unsportsman-like conduct. How can we expect our schools to teach kids to be good sports when their teachers can't manage to do it themselves?
I think that is is terrible that a coach should get a penalty for bad behavior.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Belated Turkey Day
I hope everyone had a good meal yesterday and took the time to reflect on the blessings of the year. I only did part of that. I did eat a good meal, but I didn't do very much reflection. I'm not really sure why, because the previous 365 days weren't particularly blessed. I still have my family. My wife's arthritis is getting worse, but that is because she isn't on the right medication. Hopefully, that will change in a few days when we go and see her doctor. I've not worked at a regular full-time job since December last year, but I've had great part time work. But, I still have my family and that is the greatest thing I'm blessed with. What more can I ask for?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Making Good Drivers
There is a push in several overly liberal states to allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's license. The logic behind this is that a driver's license makes a person a better driver. HA! There are millions of licensed drivers in the United States and they say there is an accident every few minutes.
How does giving someone a license make them a better driver? Where is the logic for that? Well, the logic stems for the liberals want to legitimize illegal aliens. If you look st the states that currently do this, they have a high number of illegal Mexicans and overly liberal politics. New Mexico under Bill Richardson has worked to give illegals a license. Even the former state congressman, Obama pushed the same legislation in Ohio.
Again, the purpose is to make the roads safer. I certainly hope you understand it better than I do.
How does giving someone a license make them a better driver? Where is the logic for that? Well, the logic stems for the liberals want to legitimize illegal aliens. If you look st the states that currently do this, they have a high number of illegal Mexicans and overly liberal politics. New Mexico under Bill Richardson has worked to give illegals a license. Even the former state congressman, Obama pushed the same legislation in Ohio.
Again, the purpose is to make the roads safer. I certainly hope you understand it better than I do.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Do the Democrats have a chance?
On Sunday, November 18th, the Democrats were featured on CNN for a debate. What a mess! Before the Democratic party can even begin to compete with the Republican party, they have to do one thing that appears to be nearly impossible...Come together. They spent the majority of the debate pointing fingers at each other. I was not impressed with any on the stage. I was really surprised to see Obama refusing to answer a simple direct question. Edwards kept was the one that kept pointing fingers, chiefly at Clinton.
With all the Republican party has done to hurt the country in the past 7 years, they still have a leg up. Hey Democrats! Unite if you want a chance to win.
With all the Republican party has done to hurt the country in the past 7 years, they still have a leg up. Hey Democrats! Unite if you want a chance to win.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
God, I love atheists!
Atheists are so eager to impress the rest of the universe that there is no God. Well, I actually don't have a problem with that. What I do find annoying is that when they start asking for scientific proof that God exists. We all know that hard scientific facts do not support the existence of God or another supreme being. They like to beat the rest of us over the head with it. They often remark that science does not require faith, but facts. REALLY? Read on...
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI for short, searches the skies for a signal for possible extraterrestrial life. I actually think it is a good idea. There might be someone out there. So far, after spending tens of thousands of donated money of several decades, there have failed to find one civilization. It may take longer but as long as people are shelling out the dough, it's science right?
SETI operates on the assumption that just because life exists here, around a yellow star, that the universe must be teeming with live. Makes sense. Here's the think. There is absolutely NO PROOF and NO EVIDENCE that life exists elsewhere. It may, but there is no proof.
Science is making a leap of faith. SETI scientists are doing the same thing that atheists say we cannot do. Believe in something without proof is foolish, childish and, as some have said psychotic. Tell me isn't SETI doing the same thing as the believers in a supreme being?
To be honest, I do believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe. I participate in the SETI@Home project. The point of the matter is that if atheists can beat Christians over the head with their beliefs, they should be on SETI, as well. Yeah, give us a break!
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI for short, searches the skies for a signal for possible extraterrestrial life. I actually think it is a good idea. There might be someone out there. So far, after spending tens of thousands of donated money of several decades, there have failed to find one civilization. It may take longer but as long as people are shelling out the dough, it's science right?
SETI operates on the assumption that just because life exists here, around a yellow star, that the universe must be teeming with live. Makes sense. Here's the think. There is absolutely NO PROOF and NO EVIDENCE that life exists elsewhere. It may, but there is no proof.
Science is making a leap of faith. SETI scientists are doing the same thing that atheists say we cannot do. Believe in something without proof is foolish, childish and, as some have said psychotic. Tell me isn't SETI doing the same thing as the believers in a supreme being?
To be honest, I do believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe. I participate in the SETI@Home project. The point of the matter is that if atheists can beat Christians over the head with their beliefs, they should be on SETI, as well. Yeah, give us a break!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Not so hard
It isn't taking long to get to used to the Adderal. I am already having fewer palpitations. I'm glad its not continuing. It makes me feel that I need to stop taking them.
Now, I just have to start worrying about drug tests. Adderal shows up a drug test as amphetamines. It is a pain the ass to gather medical documentation every time I take a piss test. It ... pisses me off! LOL!
Now, I just have to start worrying about drug tests. Adderal shows up a drug test as amphetamines. It is a pain the ass to gather medical documentation every time I take a piss test. It ... pisses me off! LOL!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Medicated Man
Man, I've had to start taking my ADHD meds again. I started yesterday. WOW! I'm antsy and I'm having bouts of palpatations. I know that it will pass in time, but it can make you worry. When you are my age and your heart goes nuts, you notice.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Cooling off
I certainly hope that every one is getting the plants in and cutting their roses back. Where I live, its going to be 26 degrees. I know that isn't cold for people who live in North Dakota, but it is here! LOL!
If you've not covered or closed your foundation vents you need to do that too. The utilities are going to be high enough as it is without having to spend extra needlessly.
Keep warm!
If you've not covered or closed your foundation vents you need to do that too. The utilities are going to be high enough as it is without having to spend extra needlessly.
Keep warm!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Taking Tests
I forget how much I hate taking tests until I have to take one. The most annoying kind of test are those you have to take as part of internet pre-employment. You know the ones I am talking about; have you ever stolen anything, how many days of work did you miss last year or my favorite, would you turn in a fellow employee who was stealing. The answers are so, none and yes. The only thing these tests do is keep the good workers out because they misunderstood a question. I frequently have to ask my wife if I should answer a question 'yes' or 'no.' They are that hard to figure out.
If you are looking for a new job, good luck with the tests.
If you are looking for a new job, good luck with the tests.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Blood sucking
There has been much tv air time spent on vampires the last couple of days. One thing that bothers me is that some people feel they are vampires and drink human blood. I have an issue with that. Drinking blood from another person, even is offered, should be illegal and prosecuted. IF not, these folks should be locked up with the key hidden deeply in a vat of garlic. These folks are crazy! I mean crazy with no excuse of toleration.
Our society tolerates too much. Criminal behavior should not be tolerated AT ALL. Anti-social behavior should not be tolerated. Unfortunately, I don't see a way around it. There is always some 'bleeding heart' (hehehe) that allows this type of activity to continue.
Our society tolerates too much. Criminal behavior should not be tolerated AT ALL. Anti-social behavior should not be tolerated. Unfortunately, I don't see a way around it. There is always some 'bleeding heart' (hehehe) that allows this type of activity to continue.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Do you feel that?
Halloween is coming. YIPEE!! I've spent the last week, since 10/13 watching all the great old horror movies. I even watched the original "13 Ghosts" and got goose bumps. The best thing I am loving now is "The Scariest Places on Earth" hosted by Linda Blair. The best part is putting families in scary places and making them spend the night. I could not imagine spending the night in the REAL Dracula Castle. Not only are there ghosts, but what about the vampires?
Do ghosts really exist? I don't know. I don't really believe in them but I've never been in a situation to find out. Maybe I should!
Do ghosts really exist? I don't know. I don't really believe in them but I've never been in a situation to find out. Maybe I should!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Learn English will ya!!
No, this is not about immigrants coming to America and learning English...which they should. This is about those who know English but can't spell it for shit I was flipping through the blogs here on and saw some atrocious spelling and grammar. I'm not an English teacher but come on. It's PLEASE not PLUZ! Lazy ass! I saw one blog that looked like the writer had a shitty keyboard that a bunch of sticking kkeyyyyysssss. GET A NEW KEYBOARD!
Everyday, we are re-writing the English language with this crap. We are losing our language and immigrants have nothing to do with it.
Everyday, we are re-writing the English language with this crap. We are losing our language and immigrants have nothing to do with it.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Those that have
As a citizen I am concerned bout those we pay to run the government. You know that the United States does not have national health coverage.Thousands of middle class Americans do not have health care. But, guess who does? That's right. The people we trust to run the government have benefits out the yin yang. Who pays for it? You got it! Are government employees doing their jobs? I know some that do. However, we see them standing on shovels instead of working. We go into government offices and get belittled because we have less than they do.
I know that this sounds terrible, but I pay taxes. I want my share! I am, unfortunately, denied my share because I am a white American. No, this is not white supremacy rhetoric. It's the plain simple truth of the matter. My share is spent on illegal aliens who pay no taxes nor social security. However, I pay taxes and social security so that they can benefit. I am really tired of supporting those who could or should support themselves.
Somethings got to give. I'm tired of giving so much.
I know that this sounds terrible, but I pay taxes. I want my share! I am, unfortunately, denied my share because I am a white American. No, this is not white supremacy rhetoric. It's the plain simple truth of the matter. My share is spent on illegal aliens who pay no taxes nor social security. However, I pay taxes and social security so that they can benefit. I am really tired of supporting those who could or should support themselves.
Somethings got to give. I'm tired of giving so much.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
How can everyone come up with something to say on their blogs? Do they take hints from the world around them? I bet that is the easies thing to do. Pick a topic and give an opinion on it. Hmmm. That does sound easy doesn't it! Let's see.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I know. I know!
Yeah, tell me about it. Today is the first day I've posted since July. So, I'm not the biggest or best blogger on the planet. I'll keep trying though.
The Search is over

and it isn't the Search for Spock. It has been announced, officially, that the new up and coming Chris Pine will play James T Kirk in the new Star Trek movie due out at Christmas '08. All of us in the fandom circles have been more curious about who is going to be the new Kirk than if there were really making a movie. I just hope that the story is good. Well, the new Kirk better be too. It's also been announced that Karl Urban will play McCoy. He's a long way from Middle Earth! LOL!
Rooster fighting on the net
I was looking around Yahoo this morning and found that rooster fighting is legal in Puerto Rico. Jason Atkins of is proud to show rooster fighting on his website. With Michael Vic serving penance for dog fighting, animal cruelty is still a major issue. Whether dogs or chickens, forcing animals to fight to the death is nothing but CRUEL. Atkins is proud to show the sport on net. Being slightly two-faced, Atkins said that he is a dog lover and would never condone dog fights.
Just so you know, rooster fighting is legal in Puerto Rico.
Just so you know, rooster fighting is legal in Puerto Rico.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Nazca and Aliens
I was looking at Windows Live and Google maps tonight and came across something interesting. The Nazca Lines in Peru are truly an amazing sight. I wish I could go see them. As it is, I am stuck looking at photos and maps.
Ah, the maps are an issue. Looking at the aerial maps of the site, the Nazca Lines aren't visible from the air unless you are lower than approximately 200 feet. That would make it impossible for them to be used as a signal marker for alien space craft.
Of course, there are still ways that these lines could have been viewed from a much higher altitude hundreds or thousands of years ago, ie line them with chalk or set them on fire using oil. But, I have not read any hint of chalk or charcoal being in the area in massive quantities.
Just a though!
Ah, the maps are an issue. Looking at the aerial maps of the site, the Nazca Lines aren't visible from the air unless you are lower than approximately 200 feet. That would make it impossible for them to be used as a signal marker for alien space craft.
Of course, there are still ways that these lines could have been viewed from a much higher altitude hundreds or thousands of years ago, ie line them with chalk or set them on fire using oil. But, I have not read any hint of chalk or charcoal being in the area in massive quantities.
Just a though!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A new toy
Well, I got my new toy today. I did get a Walther P99 in 9 mm. Now I have to go through the process of selecting ammunition for carrying and practice. The practice part is easy...full metal jacket. It is cheap and accurate (depending on what you get. Some Chinese made stuff misfeeds and fouls badly.) To carry, I will probably use Hydro-shok by Federal. I will have to research before I buy.
I suppose before I carry my Walther, I need to get a carry permit.
I suppose before I carry my Walther, I need to get a carry permit.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Here's a good topic.....9mm or .40 cal
I am in the market to buy a new handgun. I have decided to buy a Walther P99AS. The real question is what caliber do I buy in? Many say that the .40 is a real man killer and that the 9mm is passe. All the studies that I have seen show the 9mm to be just as capable as the .40. So, what is the big deal?
My opinion is buy which caliber you want and empty your magazine in to your target!
My opinion is buy which caliber you want and empty your magazine in to your target!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I posts
I know that there is only the introduction post on this blog. Honestly, I forgot it was here. There have been a few things going on, so let me catch up.
From May 15th to June 3rd, I was in Camp Shelby, Mississippi for annual training. It was long, hot but not too bad. Spending 4 days in the field on a tank reminded me why I hate being a tanker. After the 4 days I was bruised and battered, but I survived. I smelled bad, but I did survive. The best part was shooting the main gun, naturally. I joked that it orgasmicly so.
We are having our kitchen redone. It has been a long process. From start until now, it has been eight weeks. Hopefully, we will be done tomorrow. We will have to wait and see.
That's about it for now until I can remember to post again.
From May 15th to June 3rd, I was in Camp Shelby, Mississippi for annual training. It was long, hot but not too bad. Spending 4 days in the field on a tank reminded me why I hate being a tanker. After the 4 days I was bruised and battered, but I survived. I smelled bad, but I did survive. The best part was shooting the main gun, naturally. I joked that it orgasmicly so.
We are having our kitchen redone. It has been a long process. From start until now, it has been eight weeks. Hopefully, we will be done tomorrow. We will have to wait and see.
That's about it for now until I can remember to post again.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Hello and Welcome (even if you hate me)
This is my second try at a blog. The first attempt was okay and, quite frankly, ordinary but not posted to for past six months. So, I wanted to get a fresh start. I'll link to my former blog here in a little bit so you can benefit (or be cursed) by it's content.
Over the next few days, I'll try to fill in the blanks about who I am and why I am bothering with this. Who may be reading some of this content on CNN. But, above all, you will find that I am an ordinary person living in an ordinary town. It is a given that some of you will opine that I am a small man living in a small town. Oh well.
At any rate, thank you for stopping by and taking a gander at "The Ordinary Person." Read on, because there will be religious, political, societal comments plus semi-personal stuff.
Over the next few days, I'll try to fill in the blanks about who I am and why I am bothering with this. Who may be reading some of this content on CNN. But, above all, you will find that I am an ordinary person living in an ordinary town. It is a given that some of you will opine that I am a small man living in a small town. Oh well.
At any rate, thank you for stopping by and taking a gander at "The Ordinary Person." Read on, because there will be religious, political, societal comments plus semi-personal stuff.
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