Saturday, August 25, 2012
Windows/Linux Comprimise
After struggling with getting my pc games to work on Linux, I have decided to make a compromise. I have re-installed Windows on my computer and set up a dual book with Ubuntu. I can use Linux for my day-to-day activities and use Windows for my gaming. This is the way it is for the near future until I can figure out how to get Linux and my games to play nice together.
So Many Ways...Part Two
Okay, I like crow. Now, I'll eat some.
Michael Higgins, the President of Ireland, was not talking about the United States as a whole when I previously mentioned in him a post. Mr Higgins was talking about the Tea Party and not the United States. For this I apologize. However, I still feel that politics in the United States is none of his business.
There, I ate the crow but not the feathers.
Michael Higgins, the President of Ireland, was not talking about the United States as a whole when I previously mentioned in him a post. Mr Higgins was talking about the Tea Party and not the United States. For this I apologize. However, I still feel that politics in the United States is none of his business.
There, I ate the crow but not the feathers.
Friday, August 24, 2012
No gaming
I have to admit that I don't play pc games a much as I used to. Now, I have a problem. Linux does not play well with some Windows based pc games, especially the ones I want to play. The first instance is HALO:Combat Evolved. I did manage to get it installed using WINE. There was an initial .dll file issue, but Google was my friend and I got it fixed. Once installed, the game was anything but smooth. The major problem was the lack of targeting. None! I have to do more research to overcome the lack of cross hairs. It is nearly impossible to play a FPS without cross hairs.
I tried to bet Battlefield 2 installed but it was a nightmare. It was proving so difficult that I gave up. There is the possibility of using VMWare instead of WINE. I will have to look into the situation. A good solution is good as long as it works and is free.
I tried to bet Battlefield 2 installed but it was a nightmare. It was proving so difficult that I gave up. There is the possibility of using VMWare instead of WINE. I will have to look into the situation. A good solution is good as long as it works and is free.
The Mormons
First off, I want to say that I personally have nothing wrong with the average Mormon. Now, that is out of the way.
The recent episode of Rock Center was an hour long piece on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All in all, the program skimmed over the basics and even exposed a few issues. This is part of the movement to get Americans familiar with Mormons because of the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, Rock Center did not go deep into the history or into the beliefs of the Mormon Church. Most negative items you hear about the Mormons is based on a Christian-centric religious view.
For the most part, and you can read all this yourself, I did not make any of this up, but did my own research. Mormons are not "Christians." Calling Mormons Christians takes as much ingenuity as it does to call Universal Unitarians Christians. There are enough theological differences to show that they just aren't. I'm not dogging anyone that is just the way it is.
Mormons are racist and sexist. Rock Center made it an effort to show a racially diverse church. Well, there are blacks in the Mormon Church, especially as shown on TV. It is estimated that only 3%-5% of the Mormon membership is black. Those numbers are those who married into the church or converted. Actually, and historically, the Mormons have believed that blacks are inferior creations of God and not on the same level as whites. This bit of history has been buried deep inside the Church.
We are all human. There is no way getting around that. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church was no different. After he found the Golden Tablets, Smith continued to take part into a life long habit. He was a prospector and used mystical devices to find what he was looking for. Seeing stones and divining rods were part of Smith's arsenal of discovery. Church records indicate that he continued to use these methods after he founded the Church. We are all human right? Some will say he was a crook. We just have history to look at. Unfortunately for those who seek the truth, Mormon history has been re-written during the last century to cover up some of these foibles.
Do your own research. As a whole, Mormons are good people. Be careful in how you accept information as fact. Educate yourself.
The recent episode of Rock Center was an hour long piece on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All in all, the program skimmed over the basics and even exposed a few issues. This is part of the movement to get Americans familiar with Mormons because of the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, Rock Center did not go deep into the history or into the beliefs of the Mormon Church. Most negative items you hear about the Mormons is based on a Christian-centric religious view.
For the most part, and you can read all this yourself, I did not make any of this up, but did my own research. Mormons are not "Christians." Calling Mormons Christians takes as much ingenuity as it does to call Universal Unitarians Christians. There are enough theological differences to show that they just aren't. I'm not dogging anyone that is just the way it is.
Mormons are racist and sexist. Rock Center made it an effort to show a racially diverse church. Well, there are blacks in the Mormon Church, especially as shown on TV. It is estimated that only 3%-5% of the Mormon membership is black. Those numbers are those who married into the church or converted. Actually, and historically, the Mormons have believed that blacks are inferior creations of God and not on the same level as whites. This bit of history has been buried deep inside the Church.
We are all human. There is no way getting around that. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church was no different. After he found the Golden Tablets, Smith continued to take part into a life long habit. He was a prospector and used mystical devices to find what he was looking for. Seeing stones and divining rods were part of Smith's arsenal of discovery. Church records indicate that he continued to use these methods after he founded the Church. We are all human right? Some will say he was a crook. We just have history to look at. Unfortunately for those who seek the truth, Mormon history has been re-written during the last century to cover up some of these foibles.
Do your own research. As a whole, Mormons are good people. Be careful in how you accept information as fact. Educate yourself.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
So many ways...
There are so many ways to spin politics. Most of the time what politicians are up too rolls off my back. There are a few that just piss me off. I can't stand to watch the news. Some politician is always getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar or Harry Reid is making an ass of himself. Even the individuals who voice their views on politicians makes me puke. If Joseph and Mary were to have a baby Jesus today, his name would be Barrack Obama. His followers think so highly of the man. Yeah, the Republican supporters are the same. Don't want to leave them out.
It just isn't limited to American politics either. I heard the Irish president, Michael Higgins, busting on the United States for many of our social problems. I'm not too concerned. How big is Ireland? How many people live there. His opinion is like fly shit.
Ah, I feel better already.
It just isn't limited to American politics either. I heard the Irish president, Michael Higgins, busting on the United States for many of our social problems. I'm not too concerned. How big is Ireland? How many people live there. His opinion is like fly shit.
Ah, I feel better already.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Linux Experiment
I recently had a run in with some malware and trojans. Now, it is official...I have dumped Windows for Linux. This isn't a dual boot or a shell, but a full blown Linux installation. I am running Ubuntu 12.4 on my main machine. I've chosen to run Ubuntu's Unity desktop over Gnome and KDE (I have all three installed) Gnome is okay. KDE just doesn't work for me. I have switched and used all three.
All of my hardware works. I even managed to get my two monitors to work. This was a challenge because my monitors are of two different resolutions. But, after a day of research, I have them working together. Oh, my MagicJack doesn't work. There is no Linux for it.
The Ubuntu is fast. Much faster than Windows ever thought of being. I am sure, however that as time moves forward, I will face challenges as I try to play a few Windows games. There are ways but I have to get them to work. Virtual Windows has always been a problem for me. I just need more time spent on research.
Remember, Android is Linux and MAC's OS is derived from Linux as well.
All of my hardware works. I even managed to get my two monitors to work. This was a challenge because my monitors are of two different resolutions. But, after a day of research, I have them working together. Oh, my MagicJack doesn't work. There is no Linux for it.
The Ubuntu is fast. Much faster than Windows ever thought of being. I am sure, however that as time moves forward, I will face challenges as I try to play a few Windows games. There are ways but I have to get them to work. Virtual Windows has always been a problem for me. I just need more time spent on research.
Remember, Android is Linux and MAC's OS is derived from Linux as well.
Friday, August 3, 2012
"Kiss Day"
Today is 'kiss day' for those who support same-sex marriage to protest Chick-Fil-A's policy. All straight men, go kiss a lesbian. All straight women, go kiss a ... why don't gay men have a specific description like women gay women have 'lesbian?' Would call gay men 'fags' but that would be taken as hateful! Anyway, straight women go kiss a gay man. Go enjoy 'kiss day!'
Democrats show lack of support
We hear from the mouth of the President how much he is committed to those who serve in the military. Obama may support the troops in the field (lip service any way), but many Democrats in Ohio do not. It has been law in Ohio that allows the military an extra three days to vote in early vote early. This change, removing the extra time, slaps the soldier, sailor, airman and Marine squarely in the face. Serving one's country should not be an impediment to exercise their vote.
The Democrats have been up in arms about how the requirement of photo IDs unfairly prevents voting. Now, tossing that aside, the same Democrats are unfairly prevented military personnel from voting. This shows that the Democrats are two faced. They support the lazy but do not support those who serve to keep America free. Again, the Democrats slap American soldiers in the face, using their service against them.
This issue transcends all political boundaries. No matter how much they say they support the military service members, this clearly shows that they do not!
The Democrats have been up in arms about how the requirement of photo IDs unfairly prevents voting. Now, tossing that aside, the same Democrats are unfairly prevented military personnel from voting. This shows that the Democrats are two faced. They support the lazy but do not support those who serve to keep America free. Again, the Democrats slap American soldiers in the face, using their service against them.
This issue transcends all political boundaries. No matter how much they say they support the military service members, this clearly shows that they do not!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Olympic Gold and Taxes
A young athlete trains for a decade or for some many decades to make an appearance in the Olympics. They suffer pains, strains and even breaks. I am sure they miss vacations, birthdays and anniversaries. After the years of training, they get to make an appearance on the worldwide stage, the Olympics.
For United States Olympic athletes, there is a draw back for winning. Winning is everything for an athlete, but only if you pay your taxes. A gold medalist must pay a tax on the gold in the medal. Yep! After the decades of hard work, a gold medal winner must pay income tax (the same for silver). If there is any money awarded, they must pay taxes on that, as well. If they live in a State that has an state income tax, they have to pay again. Why?
Winning a gold medal in an Olympic sport is a personal victory. It is also a victory for the nation that sponsors the athlete. Pride is not a singular achievement but an achievement for every American. There is no reason why taxes should be paid to the government! The government of the United States should make a tax exemption for Olympic athletes who will gold or silver. As a show of pride, the taxes should be marked 'paid' as a thank you for your victory.
For United States Olympic athletes, there is a draw back for winning. Winning is everything for an athlete, but only if you pay your taxes. A gold medalist must pay a tax on the gold in the medal. Yep! After the decades of hard work, a gold medal winner must pay income tax (the same for silver). If there is any money awarded, they must pay taxes on that, as well. If they live in a State that has an state income tax, they have to pay again. Why?
Winning a gold medal in an Olympic sport is a personal victory. It is also a victory for the nation that sponsors the athlete. Pride is not a singular achievement but an achievement for every American. There is no reason why taxes should be paid to the government! The government of the United States should make a tax exemption for Olympic athletes who will gold or silver. As a show of pride, the taxes should be marked 'paid' as a thank you for your victory.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Chik-Fil-A and the "Others"
Today is Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Day! I'm not sure what that means, but I do know that those who oppose same-sex marriage will paying them a visit. I am sure there will be a boycott or picket of Chik-Fil-A locations by those who support same-sex marriage. I will do neither. I am not particularly fond as it is and it has nothing to do about what the companies beliefs are.
A couple of weeks ago, the head honcho of Chik-Fil-A announced that the company did not support same-sex marriage. I hope he wasn't too surprised by the backlash. Making statements like that causes ripples across the companies employees and patrons. It would have been better to let that do lay sleeping. Now, the company has to deal with the PR. The Chik-Fil-A that is closest to me always has a good business. You usually have to wait in the drive-up window line and you have to wait when you go inside. So, locally, business for Chik-Fil-A is good. I do not know how this announcement will affect this one store. I do believe that some stores will have a slight advantage because of the Chik-Fil-A's policy.
As for me, I do not support same-sex marriage. Religiously, for me, it is not compatible with my Christian beliefs. However, I don't make it a habit of making a stand on religious issues. Our country is too diverse in personal religion. Same-sex does not effect the religious sanctity of religion. Same sex marriage is a chance to create a sense of self-acceptance among the gay community and normalization in society. It does not effect me or my marriage in any way.
Y'all have fun standing out in the heat if you plan on boycotting Chick-Fil-A. Otherwise, enjoy a chicken sandwich with a pickle on it.
A couple of weeks ago, the head honcho of Chik-Fil-A announced that the company did not support same-sex marriage. I hope he wasn't too surprised by the backlash. Making statements like that causes ripples across the companies employees and patrons. It would have been better to let that do lay sleeping. Now, the company has to deal with the PR. The Chik-Fil-A that is closest to me always has a good business. You usually have to wait in the drive-up window line and you have to wait when you go inside. So, locally, business for Chik-Fil-A is good. I do not know how this announcement will affect this one store. I do believe that some stores will have a slight advantage because of the Chik-Fil-A's policy.
As for me, I do not support same-sex marriage. Religiously, for me, it is not compatible with my Christian beliefs. However, I don't make it a habit of making a stand on religious issues. Our country is too diverse in personal religion. Same-sex does not effect the religious sanctity of religion. Same sex marriage is a chance to create a sense of self-acceptance among the gay community and normalization in society. It does not effect me or my marriage in any way.
Y'all have fun standing out in the heat if you plan on boycotting Chick-Fil-A. Otherwise, enjoy a chicken sandwich with a pickle on it.
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