First off, I want to say that I personally have nothing wrong with the average Mormon. Now, that is out of the way.
The recent episode of Rock Center was an hour long piece on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All in all, the program skimmed over the basics and even exposed a few issues. This is part of the movement to get Americans familiar with Mormons because of the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, Rock Center did not go deep into the history or into the beliefs of the Mormon Church. Most negative items you hear about the Mormons is based on a Christian-centric religious view.
For the most part, and you can read all this yourself, I did not make any of this up, but did my own research. Mormons are not "Christians." Calling Mormons Christians takes as much ingenuity as it does to call Universal Unitarians Christians. There are enough theological differences to show that they just aren't. I'm not dogging anyone that is just the way it is.
Mormons are racist and sexist. Rock Center made it an effort to show a racially diverse church. Well, there are blacks in the Mormon Church, especially as shown on TV. It is estimated that only 3%-5% of the Mormon membership is black. Those numbers are those who married into the church or converted. Actually, and historically, the Mormons have believed that blacks are inferior creations of God and not on the same level as whites. This bit of history has been buried deep inside the Church.
We are all human. There is no way getting around that. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church was no different. After he found the Golden Tablets, Smith continued to take part into a life long habit. He was a prospector and used mystical devices to find what he was looking for. Seeing stones and divining rods were part of Smith's arsenal of discovery. Church records indicate that he continued to use these methods after he founded the Church. We are all human right? Some will say he was a crook. We just have history to look at. Unfortunately for those who seek the truth, Mormon history has been re-written during the last century to cover up some of these foibles.
Do your own research. As a whole, Mormons are good people. Be careful in how you accept information as fact. Educate yourself.
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