First off let me say that I am not a professional runner nor am I a gold medalist in the 400m relay. I have done a bit of running over the years and I know my ground. I see a lot of high school and college kids running down sidewalks. There seems to be something lacking in their sports education. No one has told these youngsters about where to and not to run. DO NO RUN ON CONCRETE!
Concrete is...obviously...hard. It isn't the fact that is is hard, but in that it has no "spring." Concrete is extremely durable and will last years under ever changing weather conditions. Part of concretes success is the fact that it doesn't give it has no elasticity. Contrast concrete to asphalt...obviously...asphalt is hard. The difference is that asphalt gives, it has elasticity. This elasticity means that when it is used for construction it has to be repaired or patched regularly. Asphalt provides more spring than concrete.
Several inches of concrete gives very little when an object such as a foot.When a shod human foot hits concrete the shock wave as sent from the foot to the knees, upwards to the hip then spine. You will do more damage to the human body that the human body will to the concrete. Asphalt on the the other hand gives ever so slightly when a runner does his thing. The less dense asphalt provides a slight give that does not shock the body as much as the concrete. Oh, yes, the difference is negligible from strike to strike between the two. But, the difference in accumulative. The more you run on concrete, the more damage you cause on your joints.
If you work standing on concrete every day, you know the basic principles of what I am talking about. Standing on concrete or walking around on it all day, has a detrimental on your body. Workman's Comp conscious employer will provide rubber mats for those who stand on a concrete floor. It is fatiguing and causes stress on the body. There are special shoes for those who stand on concrete all day.
It has been suggested that people run on natural ground. This in itself has inherent problems depending on the running location. Many larger cities provide a dirt or mulched path for runners. I suggest you find one and use it. I would caution that running on concrete be the LAST resort to your running activities. If you run on concrete now, I suggest you find a nice quiet, asphalt street and run on it. You will notice the difference.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Man, it's hot!
I can't tell you how many days we have had a heat advisories we have had this summer. Today, we have yet another heat advisory until this evening. I am one of those guys who see weather in trends; instead of those who say every day is an extreme. Summers are supposed to be hot. Where would we be if summers were cold (obviously, at one of the poles). Our summers usually don't get hot until late July through the first of September. This year we had heat indices over 100 in June! That is truly unusual! I am sure we have had equally hot summers but I don't remember. The record breaking days were back in the 70s, so the trend appears to be every 35-40 years. We'll have to wait and see how that develops.
There are some things to note about hot summer. It's been dry so mosquitoes have been far and few in between. The dry ground has been detrimental to fleas. Flies haven't been too bad either. That was until last week when we had rain. Both the mosquitoes and flies made an appearance, but are fading away. Our yards have suffered greatly. My nice, pretty yard is brown in spots. I might have to do some patch seeding in the fall. At least, we have saved gas by not having to mow so much. A negative is the ticks. The hot, dry weather has been conducive to a tick explosion. They are bad this year.
Well, it's the end of July. I can't wait and see what the rest of summer brings.
There are some things to note about hot summer. It's been dry so mosquitoes have been far and few in between. The dry ground has been detrimental to fleas. Flies haven't been too bad either. That was until last week when we had rain. Both the mosquitoes and flies made an appearance, but are fading away. Our yards have suffered greatly. My nice, pretty yard is brown in spots. I might have to do some patch seeding in the fall. At least, we have saved gas by not having to mow so much. A negative is the ticks. The hot, dry weather has been conducive to a tick explosion. They are bad this year.
Well, it's the end of July. I can't wait and see what the rest of summer brings.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Hickory nut fall
I have a huge hickory tree over my house. The early, hot spring has caused an over abundance of hickory nuts. The tree is so nut laden the their weight has pulled two limbs down. One limb nearly hit one of our dogs and damaged out trellis.
Now, the squirrels are pulling and tossing the nuts to the ground so they can be buried for winter. I have never seen the number of hickory nuts. They have to be picked up before we can mow. Our patio has to be swept. You step on a nut; you have a twisted ankle.
Soon, hopefully, all the nuts will have fallen and they will have been picked up. Or, squirreled away for winter. Until then, carry an umbrella when in the yard.
Now, the squirrels are pulling and tossing the nuts to the ground so they can be buried for winter. I have never seen the number of hickory nuts. They have to be picked up before we can mow. Our patio has to be swept. You step on a nut; you have a twisted ankle.
Soon, hopefully, all the nuts will have fallen and they will have been picked up. Or, squirreled away for winter. Until then, carry an umbrella when in the yard.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Dr Who
I should hope that you have seen the modern renditions of Dr Who. Dr who has been credited as being the longest running drama (non-daytime) in television history. In fact, Dr Who first aired the same day President Kennedy was asassinated.
The modern era of Dr Who started in 2005 starring Christopher Eccelston as the 9th Doctor. The current Doctor is played by Matt Smith making him number eleven. All of the Doctors have been accompanied by a fellow traveler known as a companion. They travel through space and time in a blue police box on adventures.
Obviously, I have seen a few episodes of Dr Who. I have my favorite episodes, Doctors and companions. My favorite Doctor is David Tennant, the 10th Doctor. My favorite companion is Donna Noble played by Sharon Tate. My favorite episode is a Christmas special, A Christmas Carol, which aired in 2010. The favorite tag line is "it's bigger on the inside" (referencing the blue box called the TARDIS).
If you get the chance, catch a few episodes. I'm sure you'll like Dr Who.
The modern era of Dr Who started in 2005 starring Christopher Eccelston as the 9th Doctor. The current Doctor is played by Matt Smith making him number eleven. All of the Doctors have been accompanied by a fellow traveler known as a companion. They travel through space and time in a blue police box on adventures.
Obviously, I have seen a few episodes of Dr Who. I have my favorite episodes, Doctors and companions. My favorite Doctor is David Tennant, the 10th Doctor. My favorite companion is Donna Noble played by Sharon Tate. My favorite episode is a Christmas special, A Christmas Carol, which aired in 2010. The favorite tag line is "it's bigger on the inside" (referencing the blue box called the TARDIS).
If you get the chance, catch a few episodes. I'm sure you'll like Dr Who.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Walking with Spirits
Several years ago, I was in the habit of walking through the woods where ever I lived. Summer, fall, or in the dead of winter, you could find me strolling along woodland trails marveling at nature. I grew up in the rolling hills of West Tennessee. My particular favorite place was Natchez Trace State Park. Many of my childhood days were spent wandering around Maple Creek Lake and the Pecan Tree.
I remember one summer day very well. Like all July days in Tennessee, this day was hot and muggy. It was one of those days when you looked outside and you broke into a sweat. Never the less, I drove to the Pecan Tree and parked. I chose a path that started from behind the barn and struck out down a well marked trail. As the trail snaked it's course through the steamy woods, the air was filled with the chatter of birds pand the buzzing of mosquitoes.
After a few miles on the trail, I turned aside and entered the underbrush. The going wasn't difficult. I made sure I took the time to clear any saw briar from my way so I wouldn't tear my legs. Saw briars aren't good for much except ripping gashes in bare flesh. I started down a hillside into a hollar. I was hoping to find a spring to wash some sweat off. Finding an outcropping of red sandstone, I found what I was looking for. Water was running from the sandstone. It was crystal clear and bottomed by small pebbles and pine nettles. Cupping my hands, I crouched to scoop up some water. It was cool and it felt good going down my throat.
As I reached for another scoop, a strange feeling came over me. There was a monstrous clap of thunder. Suddenly, the wood was silent. The birds had stopped chirping. The mosquitoes seemed to have vanished. Even the gentle breeze that earlier had stirred the trees had stilled. I stood up tilting my head to catch the faintest sound. Naturally, I knew something was wrong. The tree tops stood motionless against the hazy blue sky. The water from the spring was now only a dribble. Turning in circles, I looked to see if something, anything was moving. All was still. Deathly so!
Suddenly, I heard a faint stirring just to the right and behind me. Not really wanting to look, I slowly turned my head. My eyes turned and stopped on a figure of a man standing just across the spring. Needless to say, he looked odd. He wore for clothes nothing but pants that resembled tanned hide. His long jet-black hair was loose about his shoulders. His skin was ruddy. His features were lean. Decidedly, Native American. Even though the sun wasn't shining directly on him, he seemed to be luminous.
"Hello, my friend," said the man. "It is nice to see you again."I almost lost my balance."
He spoke. It was English, too. I couldn't answer. Nothing came to mind to say.
"Do not be afraid," he said smiling broadly.
"Have we met before?", I asked slowly.
He took a step toward the spring. His step made no sound on the dry leaves.
"We have never actually met, but you have seen me many times." Taking another step, "I would say almost daily."
I stuttered. "I don't remember seeing you before.
"Chuckling, "You have seen me many times. When you see a hunting hawk, it is me. Look in the early morning mists over a swamp, you can see me there."
"Why am I seeing you now," I asked.
"Things were right this time. But, you may never see me like this again."
I was silent. I didn't know what to say.
Suddenly, a clap of thunder shattered the silence. It seemed to be right on top of me. I jumped, falling over a dead branch. When I opened my eyes, he was gone. The water from the spring gushed out into the pool. The birds were chirping and the mosquitoes were buzzing about my head. When I returned to the car, no one else was about. I looked at the clock in the car and then at my watch. I realized I had been gone nearly four hours. "No way," I thought to myself. I drove away, dazed and confused.
It has been 15 years since I drank from that spring. This guy, whoever was right. I haven't seen him again. I may never. But, I can say that there are spirits walking.
I remember one summer day very well. Like all July days in Tennessee, this day was hot and muggy. It was one of those days when you looked outside and you broke into a sweat. Never the less, I drove to the Pecan Tree and parked. I chose a path that started from behind the barn and struck out down a well marked trail. As the trail snaked it's course through the steamy woods, the air was filled with the chatter of birds pand the buzzing of mosquitoes.
After a few miles on the trail, I turned aside and entered the underbrush. The going wasn't difficult. I made sure I took the time to clear any saw briar from my way so I wouldn't tear my legs. Saw briars aren't good for much except ripping gashes in bare flesh. I started down a hillside into a hollar. I was hoping to find a spring to wash some sweat off. Finding an outcropping of red sandstone, I found what I was looking for. Water was running from the sandstone. It was crystal clear and bottomed by small pebbles and pine nettles. Cupping my hands, I crouched to scoop up some water. It was cool and it felt good going down my throat.
As I reached for another scoop, a strange feeling came over me. There was a monstrous clap of thunder. Suddenly, the wood was silent. The birds had stopped chirping. The mosquitoes seemed to have vanished. Even the gentle breeze that earlier had stirred the trees had stilled. I stood up tilting my head to catch the faintest sound. Naturally, I knew something was wrong. The tree tops stood motionless against the hazy blue sky. The water from the spring was now only a dribble. Turning in circles, I looked to see if something, anything was moving. All was still. Deathly so!
Suddenly, I heard a faint stirring just to the right and behind me. Not really wanting to look, I slowly turned my head. My eyes turned and stopped on a figure of a man standing just across the spring. Needless to say, he looked odd. He wore for clothes nothing but pants that resembled tanned hide. His long jet-black hair was loose about his shoulders. His skin was ruddy. His features were lean. Decidedly, Native American. Even though the sun wasn't shining directly on him, he seemed to be luminous.
"Hello, my friend," said the man. "It is nice to see you again."I almost lost my balance."
He spoke. It was English, too. I couldn't answer. Nothing came to mind to say.
"Do not be afraid," he said smiling broadly.
"Have we met before?", I asked slowly.
He took a step toward the spring. His step made no sound on the dry leaves.
"We have never actually met, but you have seen me many times." Taking another step, "I would say almost daily."
I stuttered. "I don't remember seeing you before.
"Chuckling, "You have seen me many times. When you see a hunting hawk, it is me. Look in the early morning mists over a swamp, you can see me there."
"Why am I seeing you now," I asked.
"Things were right this time. But, you may never see me like this again."
I was silent. I didn't know what to say.
Suddenly, a clap of thunder shattered the silence. It seemed to be right on top of me. I jumped, falling over a dead branch. When I opened my eyes, he was gone. The water from the spring gushed out into the pool. The birds were chirping and the mosquitoes were buzzing about my head. When I returned to the car, no one else was about. I looked at the clock in the car and then at my watch. I realized I had been gone nearly four hours. "No way," I thought to myself. I drove away, dazed and confused.
It has been 15 years since I drank from that spring. This guy, whoever was right. I haven't seen him again. I may never. But, I can say that there are spirits walking.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Dangerous People
There is no doubt in any one's mind that the attack at the Aurora movie theater is horrendous, tragic and should not have happened. Our prayers go out to the Aurora community and victims of all descriptions.
Automatically, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued a statement calling for action to "stop arming dangerous people." How does one define "dangerous people?" What exams would be necessary to show who is dangerous and who isn't? Take all guns away so "dangerous people" don't have them. "Dangerous people" will find a way to hurt others without a gun. A dangerous person with a car can (and they have) driving threw crowds of people: killing and maiming. A dangerous person can (and they have) poison a restaurant buffet to kill or sicken others. A dangerous person can (and they have) put sharp items in airline food to hurt or kill others. A dangerous person can (and they have) put poison in over-the-counter medicine to hurt or kill others.
Taking guns away will not stop "dangerous people" from being, well, dangerous. The world is a dangerous place and gun control will not make it less dangerous. "Dangerous people" are just that and will find a way to be dangerous. Do not use this terrible event in Aurora for personal political beliefs.
Automatically, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued a statement calling for action to "stop arming dangerous people." How does one define "dangerous people?" What exams would be necessary to show who is dangerous and who isn't? Take all guns away so "dangerous people" don't have them. "Dangerous people" will find a way to hurt others without a gun. A dangerous person with a car can (and they have) driving threw crowds of people: killing and maiming. A dangerous person can (and they have) poison a restaurant buffet to kill or sicken others. A dangerous person can (and they have) put sharp items in airline food to hurt or kill others. A dangerous person can (and they have) put poison in over-the-counter medicine to hurt or kill others.
Taking guns away will not stop "dangerous people" from being, well, dangerous. The world is a dangerous place and gun control will not make it less dangerous. "Dangerous people" are just that and will find a way to be dangerous. Do not use this terrible event in Aurora for personal political beliefs.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Scholastic Shooting Sports
In the last decade, the number of high school shooting sports has skyrocketed. Colleges have also picked up more shooting teams. I personally do not know what started the interest but the interest is there and in danger of being pulled. Once again, I draw your attention to the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty. While the treaty is really geared toward military-type weapons, there is enough leeway in the proposition to get rid of hunting arms as well. All firearms have a component of being used in military action, even .22 cal rifles and shotguns. Then, we have to consider Olympic shooting sports. Without high school and college shooting teams there will no one to compete in the biathlon. Indeed, the event will be lost.
It is important that we contact our representatives and express concern over the Arms Trade Treaty. The Arms Trade Treaty will interfere with the sovereignty of the United States. Our nation was founded to shrug off the opressive rule of a foreign government. Let's not let that go without a fight!
It is important that we contact our representatives and express concern over the Arms Trade Treaty. The Arms Trade Treaty will interfere with the sovereignty of the United States. Our nation was founded to shrug off the opressive rule of a foreign government. Let's not let that go without a fight!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Don't Tread on Me
I've been reading the UN's "Programme of Action" (POA) for the control of small arms trafficking around the world. Don't imagine for a moment that the UN is concerned with only military weapons. Military and military "type" weapons are usually sold in the civilian market (handguns, rifles, etc). There are two items in the POA that are of concern to the United States citizen and the 2nd Amendment. Section II of the POA part 3,
To adopt and implement, in the States that have not already done so, the necessary legislative or other measures to establish as criminal offences under their domestic law the illegal manufacture, possession, stockpiling and trade of small arms and light weapons within their areas of jurisdiction, in order to ensure that those engaged in such activities can be prosecuted under appropriate national penal codes. It would appear that the UN does have it's sights on civilian ownership in the United States. I am not suggesting that the US will accept such a plan because it is in violation of the Constitution. I am cautioning that there might be an attempt to change the 2nd Amendment or repeal it altogether.
It is not my intention to suggest that gun ownership is in danger in America. That is the job of the NRA. I am just providing information that I have found on the subject. Do your own research in the matter and draw your own conclusions. I do suggest that you write your congressman and senator with your feelings on this subject.
No Gay Scouts, Except Girls
From the beginning, I am not going to make any comment of the acceptability of homosexuals. It is about allowing a privately funding organization making a decision without interference from the government. All Americans have the right to associate with whom they please. The Boy Scouts, USA have made their choice of association. They have that right, just as I have the right to associate with whom I please. I am not making a judgement call for or against the Boy Scouts. Time will tell what is in store for the Boy Scouts and homosexuality.
"On my honor, I will do my duty to God..." says the Scout Law. There are those of religious faith who believe that homosexuality is a sin. As the Boy Scouts have that religious connection, it is understandable why they continue to reject homosexuality. Get over it. It is just the way it is and religious freedom is still on the books.
In contrast, the Girl Scouts have embraced the full rainbow of membership, unless you are a boy, you can get in the Girl Scouts. This is the funny part (depending on your sense of humor). The Girl Scouts allow homosexual girls into their ranks. The funny part is...fewer Americans have problems with lesbians than with gay men! YUP! I could not find any numbers but there is an indication by doing some reading. This goes back to basic human psychology. Women are more accepting of female intimacy (touching, hugging, crying not sex) than men are with male intimacy. It's the nurture nature.
You make up your own mind about whether you support scouting in the United States.
"On my honor, I will do my duty to God..." says the Scout Law. There are those of religious faith who believe that homosexuality is a sin. As the Boy Scouts have that religious connection, it is understandable why they continue to reject homosexuality. Get over it. It is just the way it is and religious freedom is still on the books.
In contrast, the Girl Scouts have embraced the full rainbow of membership, unless you are a boy, you can get in the Girl Scouts. This is the funny part (depending on your sense of humor). The Girl Scouts allow homosexual girls into their ranks. The funny part is...fewer Americans have problems with lesbians than with gay men! YUP! I could not find any numbers but there is an indication by doing some reading. This goes back to basic human psychology. Women are more accepting of female intimacy (touching, hugging, crying not sex) than men are with male intimacy. It's the nurture nature.
You make up your own mind about whether you support scouting in the United States.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Saucers have been grounded
I do, I admit, take quit a bit of interest in the flying saucer phenomenon. I look at the whole subject from a historical point of view. There is a correlation between UFOs and changes in society. It is difficult to put that into context without devoting a thesis to the subject. We will never fully understand the events that cause individuals to see UFOs. There i,s however, a direct link between UFOs and modern society starting in the 1880s European skies. During that time, independent hobbyists were experimenting with heavier than air craft. Powered flight was obtained in Europe as early as 1884. It is entirely possible that the news of these flights made it across the Atlantic to America. Powered flight and the use of balloons during the Civil War made the US ready for the 'airship' sightings in the late 1880s.
What Kenneth Arnold saw over the Cascade Mountains,we will never know. Combined with Arnold's sighting and the strain on relations with the Soviet Union, the flying saucer craze hit full tilt. Americans were afraid the Russians might launch a sneak attack and everyone was looking up. Of course, Hollywood joined in to feed on people fear, except for Plan 9 From Outer Space. This went on until man landed on the moon in 1969. We came to be part of the universe and the sightings stopped for the most part (but do continue sporadically but nothing like the 1950s).
This began to change for flying saucers. They became less interesting in just being seen to abducting people from the highways and homes of America. This started with the Hills on a lonely stretch of New England highway in 1961. With the development of regression theory, thousands of people have found out that they too have been abducted. Alien Abduction became the rage. Even I wake up mysteriously at around 3:20 am after being abducted. It seems that however, numerous, abductions seem to be on the decline. Oh, there are still a few reported here and there, but for the most part that phase as ended. Alien abduction has been dismissed as a modern version of the old hag or sleep paralysis.
We must remember the hoaxers. There have been an untold number of flying hubcaps, dish plates and the like photographed. Most of them can be seen for what they are, fakes. With the wide spread use of computers and digital cameras it is becoming more and more difficult to spot the fakes. The easiest way to tell, if you are interested, get your hands on some video and look for pixelation (the changes around an object). An object and the area immediately surrounding it will have noticeable blocked edges. It is really easy to tell. Do a YouTube search for "Jamaica" and "ufos." Here is another great example of video trickery: the purposely created movie.
There is still UFO activity around the world Mexico has been having a lot of sightings, many recorded on video. Why the sudden interest there in UFOs is something I don't understand. Whatever it is, there is a cultural explanation. There have been a few intriguing videos, but for the most part most can be identified as a hoax or the unusual observation of mundane object. The Mexican Air Force video taken in 2004 of several UFOs is actually offshore oil rigs burning off gas. There was a video of a "V" shaped object flying near the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökul, when it erupted in 2010. But, if you look carefully, you can tell the formation is a flock of birds.
As far as the US is concerned, all the saucers have landed. What reports do creep up are usually easy to explain. All one has to do is sit, think about what has happened and the answer should come to you. Videos still appear of unknown lights that are out of focus or that are very far away lending identification impossible. They aren't alien spacecraft. If you want to see an alien, go see a movie.
What Kenneth Arnold saw over the Cascade Mountains,we will never know. Combined with Arnold's sighting and the strain on relations with the Soviet Union, the flying saucer craze hit full tilt. Americans were afraid the Russians might launch a sneak attack and everyone was looking up. Of course, Hollywood joined in to feed on people fear, except for Plan 9 From Outer Space. This went on until man landed on the moon in 1969. We came to be part of the universe and the sightings stopped for the most part (but do continue sporadically but nothing like the 1950s).
This began to change for flying saucers. They became less interesting in just being seen to abducting people from the highways and homes of America. This started with the Hills on a lonely stretch of New England highway in 1961. With the development of regression theory, thousands of people have found out that they too have been abducted. Alien Abduction became the rage. Even I wake up mysteriously at around 3:20 am after being abducted. It seems that however, numerous, abductions seem to be on the decline. Oh, there are still a few reported here and there, but for the most part that phase as ended. Alien abduction has been dismissed as a modern version of the old hag or sleep paralysis.
We must remember the hoaxers. There have been an untold number of flying hubcaps, dish plates and the like photographed. Most of them can be seen for what they are, fakes. With the wide spread use of computers and digital cameras it is becoming more and more difficult to spot the fakes. The easiest way to tell, if you are interested, get your hands on some video and look for pixelation (the changes around an object). An object and the area immediately surrounding it will have noticeable blocked edges. It is really easy to tell. Do a YouTube search for "Jamaica" and "ufos." Here is another great example of video trickery: the purposely created movie.
There is still UFO activity around the world Mexico has been having a lot of sightings, many recorded on video. Why the sudden interest there in UFOs is something I don't understand. Whatever it is, there is a cultural explanation. There have been a few intriguing videos, but for the most part most can be identified as a hoax or the unusual observation of mundane object. The Mexican Air Force video taken in 2004 of several UFOs is actually offshore oil rigs burning off gas. There was a video of a "V" shaped object flying near the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökul, when it erupted in 2010. But, if you look carefully, you can tell the formation is a flock of birds.
As far as the US is concerned, all the saucers have landed. What reports do creep up are usually easy to explain. All one has to do is sit, think about what has happened and the answer should come to you. Videos still appear of unknown lights that are out of focus or that are very far away lending identification impossible. They aren't alien spacecraft. If you want to see an alien, go see a movie.
The War that wasn't
I was born in 1963, just outside the Baby Boomer generation (depending on who's counting). It goes without saying that know the War on Terrorism and the Gulf War. I also remember Panama, Grenada and the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut. With the Vietnam War things start to get fuzzy and I don't really remember much. What I do remember is all C-130 flights over my grandparents farm as they shuttled troops from Ft Campbell, KY to parts unknown. I clearly remember a dozen of so winging overheard and wondering where they were going. I remember jets coming down and making "bombing" runs over the railroad overpass.
The war I remember the best, outside Operation Iraqi Freedom, was the Cold War. I can barely remember learning to duck and cover. We never had a fall-out shelter as I can remember. Our post office downtown was the only fall-out shelter in town. There was probably no way we could have all fit. I suppose most of us remember similar details about the Cold War. The thought of nuclear remained mostly in the back of our minds.
The movies pulled a lot of what the Cold War was about. "Dr Strangelove" put a comedic twist to the seriousness of the possibility of nuclear war. (One of the great all-time movie moments was Slim Pickens riding a bomb to target.) The most dramatic movies was "Fail Safe." We now know that the greatest threat to peace was an accidental ignition that could start a war. The scariest movie, by far, was "The Day After." It didn't focus so much on how a nuclear could start, like many of it's predecessors, but what happens after the bombs fall. "The Day After" showed the horror of survival. Of course, those nuclear war themes have been turned into zombie apocalypse. However, the threat of zombies was nothing like the threat of thermonuclear war.
I recently watched the documentary, "The Atomic Cafe." "The Atomic Cafe" focused on how the Cold War started. I would suggest that every one should watch this flick. It is a great history piece that is rarely shown. Those who lived through the Cold War could see how it started. Those who were born after, say 1980, never knew the dangers. It's a part of history that shows the world in a unique way.
The war I remember the best, outside Operation Iraqi Freedom, was the Cold War. I can barely remember learning to duck and cover. We never had a fall-out shelter as I can remember. Our post office downtown was the only fall-out shelter in town. There was probably no way we could have all fit. I suppose most of us remember similar details about the Cold War. The thought of nuclear remained mostly in the back of our minds.
The movies pulled a lot of what the Cold War was about. "Dr Strangelove" put a comedic twist to the seriousness of the possibility of nuclear war. (One of the great all-time movie moments was Slim Pickens riding a bomb to target.) The most dramatic movies was "Fail Safe." We now know that the greatest threat to peace was an accidental ignition that could start a war. The scariest movie, by far, was "The Day After." It didn't focus so much on how a nuclear could start, like many of it's predecessors, but what happens after the bombs fall. "The Day After" showed the horror of survival. Of course, those nuclear war themes have been turned into zombie apocalypse. However, the threat of zombies was nothing like the threat of thermonuclear war.
I recently watched the documentary, "The Atomic Cafe." "The Atomic Cafe" focused on how the Cold War started. I would suggest that every one should watch this flick. It is a great history piece that is rarely shown. Those who lived through the Cold War could see how it started. Those who were born after, say 1980, never knew the dangers. It's a part of history that shows the world in a unique way.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Westboro fails in Nashville!
Recently, the hate group, Westboro Baptist Church announed they were going to protest in Franklin, Tennessee. It did not go we well. Here's the story from The Tennesean.
Westboro Baptist's Nashville protest is short-lived
Yes, Westboro Baptist, you have the right to assemble and freedom of speech. Remember, others have it too.
Westboro Baptist's Nashville protest is short-lived
Yes, Westboro Baptist, you have the right to assemble and freedom of speech. Remember, others have it too.
If you want to see psychologists normalize 'crazy' people, then you need to watch "Taboo" on the National Geographic Channel. Yes, they frame a set of people who are borderline or fully crazy. Of course, it is all a matter of perspective. Cambodia fathers building 'sex huts' for their teenage daughters? Yeah, that is a cultural thing and we westerners should not meddle. But, leaving your sick wife for hundreds of reptiles and other animals? That isn't exactly crazy, but I would choose my sick wife over an animal. Keeping rattlesnakes and other venomous reptiles is another thing. That is crazy. I guess that none of the above is really pathological, but it sure makes you raise an eyebrow. The shrinks on the show are quick to point out what is harmful and what isn't.
Having sex with animals? I've not seen that one, if their is one. That is just wrong and there is no way you can spin it to make it right. Furries? People dressing up as stuffed animals and acting like those animals then having "furry sex?" You got to be kidding! I was on CSI. People do strange things to get a little. There isn't that much difference in paying a prostitute or dressing up as Pooh!
"Taboo" has people with "off the wall" collections, people with excessive collections and obsessive collection. We all have collections of our favorite knickknack. The psychologists were nice to point out the difference between a hoarder and a collector. I'll share it with you (aren't I nice). A hoarder collects items, often without distinguishing a specific interest, and makes piles and piles of the stuff. There is no cataloging or display. A hoarder will bury themselves in stuff. A collector on the other hand takes pride in the collection, often having them on display, neatly organized. They guy that had over 100,00 plus butterflies is a collective, albiet an obsessive collection.
Taboos aren't necessary bad. You have to taken them all in persepective. The "Taboo" psychologist, or was it the feminist, who railed agasint teenage girls for taking purity pledges. Oh, sex huts are okay, but purity pledges aren't? You have to look at things from a wider viewpoint. The show is really interesting and you might want to catch some of it. No, I do not work for the National Geographic Channel.
Having sex with animals? I've not seen that one, if their is one. That is just wrong and there is no way you can spin it to make it right. Furries? People dressing up as stuffed animals and acting like those animals then having "furry sex?" You got to be kidding! I was on CSI. People do strange things to get a little. There isn't that much difference in paying a prostitute or dressing up as Pooh!
"Taboo" has people with "off the wall" collections, people with excessive collections and obsessive collection. We all have collections of our favorite knickknack. The psychologists were nice to point out the difference between a hoarder and a collector. I'll share it with you (aren't I nice). A hoarder collects items, often without distinguishing a specific interest, and makes piles and piles of the stuff. There is no cataloging or display. A hoarder will bury themselves in stuff. A collector on the other hand takes pride in the collection, often having them on display, neatly organized. They guy that had over 100,00 plus butterflies is a collective, albiet an obsessive collection.
Taboos aren't necessary bad. You have to taken them all in persepective. The "Taboo" psychologist, or was it the feminist, who railed agasint teenage girls for taking purity pledges. Oh, sex huts are okay, but purity pledges aren't? You have to look at things from a wider viewpoint. The show is really interesting and you might want to catch some of it. No, I do not work for the National Geographic Channel.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Someone mentioned that they hoped that the new series "Chasing UFOs" from the National Geographic Channel would move ufology into a more favorable light. Any group that looks for an old UFO crash evidence in the dark is not going to uplift the study to main stream. If you are going to watch for night time lights, yes you do go out at night. If you are looking for evidence, you don't do it at night. At best, the "Chasing UFOs" crew is going to hurt the cause of ufology.
Ufology has been trying to go mainstream for a few decades. For those who don't know, ufology is the study of unidentified flying objects. Without an agenda, this study would try to explain lights in the sky or objects that defy mundane items. If the event cannot be explained, then it would be attributed to being paranormal or extraterrestial in origin. This is where the 'ology' comes from. Unfortunately, ufology has an agenda. This agenda is to prove that unknown objects or lights in the sky are from an alien civilization. In this sense, the 'ology' has no purpose because there is no study involved.
Let's look at the greatest UFO even in history...Roswell. The government has put forth several explanations to what happened around Roswell in July, 1947. According to the government, the crash at Roswell was actually part of two government secret operations. Both involved high altitude balloons with one of operations involving test dummies. The operations provide a plausible explanation of what happened. Ufologists are quick to explain that the government is involved in a cover-up to dismiss the recovery of a crashed UFO and it's alien pilots. They rely on witness information delivered months, years or even decades after the event with no evidence. NONE!! The ufologists smoking gun is the newspaper story that appeared the day after the discovery of debris that was quickly squashed. (I realize I left out a lot of deals. Those you can find and read for yourself. There are too many books, articles and videos out on the subject.)
There is another story to look at which turns the scientific study of ufologists upside down. There is a group of objects in the paranormal community called 'rods.' Rods are objects that appear in photographs and videos. Ufologists and paranormal investigators have determined that these objects are alien creature, alien spacecraft or inter-dimensional beings. What rods are in reality, and ufologists refuse to accept, are insects caught in the timing of the shutter cameras shutter speed. Insects develop an elongated shape with wavy wings when captured on cameras. This is because the wings are moving faster than the shutter speed.(For examples, you can Google 'rods' on YouTube.) Despite the best scientific explanations on rods, ufologist refuse to accept the explanation.
That is the kicker with ufologists. They refuse to accept anything that is contrary to what they want to believe. I understand that evidence needs to be presented and the events studied scientifically before anyone will truly accept an answer. But, we must be ready to accept evidence and move on. Until this happens, ufology will never be accepted at serious science.
I may put more time in to this discussion later.
Ufology has been trying to go mainstream for a few decades. For those who don't know, ufology is the study of unidentified flying objects. Without an agenda, this study would try to explain lights in the sky or objects that defy mundane items. If the event cannot be explained, then it would be attributed to being paranormal or extraterrestial in origin. This is where the 'ology' comes from. Unfortunately, ufology has an agenda. This agenda is to prove that unknown objects or lights in the sky are from an alien civilization. In this sense, the 'ology' has no purpose because there is no study involved.
Let's look at the greatest UFO even in history...Roswell. The government has put forth several explanations to what happened around Roswell in July, 1947. According to the government, the crash at Roswell was actually part of two government secret operations. Both involved high altitude balloons with one of operations involving test dummies. The operations provide a plausible explanation of what happened. Ufologists are quick to explain that the government is involved in a cover-up to dismiss the recovery of a crashed UFO and it's alien pilots. They rely on witness information delivered months, years or even decades after the event with no evidence. NONE!! The ufologists smoking gun is the newspaper story that appeared the day after the discovery of debris that was quickly squashed. (I realize I left out a lot of deals. Those you can find and read for yourself. There are too many books, articles and videos out on the subject.)
There is another story to look at which turns the scientific study of ufologists upside down. There is a group of objects in the paranormal community called 'rods.' Rods are objects that appear in photographs and videos. Ufologists and paranormal investigators have determined that these objects are alien creature, alien spacecraft or inter-dimensional beings. What rods are in reality, and ufologists refuse to accept, are insects caught in the timing of the shutter cameras shutter speed. Insects develop an elongated shape with wavy wings when captured on cameras. This is because the wings are moving faster than the shutter speed.(For examples, you can Google 'rods' on YouTube.) Despite the best scientific explanations on rods, ufologist refuse to accept the explanation.
That is the kicker with ufologists. They refuse to accept anything that is contrary to what they want to believe. I understand that evidence needs to be presented and the events studied scientifically before anyone will truly accept an answer. But, we must be ready to accept evidence and move on. Until this happens, ufology will never be accepted at serious science.
I may put more time in to this discussion later.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Ordinary Day
Today was one of those ordinary days. There isn't a lot going on for me to ramble about. We are getting the much needed rain and, for that, I am grateful.
I jailbroke my iPhone and iPad a few days ago. The jailbreak seems to use more battery than with the standard iOS. I'm in the process of restoring them as I type this.
I really wish I was in San Diego at Comic Con. I would love to get my geek on!
Had my first watermelon of the season. I don't know where it was grown, but it wasn't very sweet. I sure miss the days of stealing watermelon from a garden. We used to steal some from grandpa. I say we stole them, but he probably didn't mind so it wasn't really stealing.
Watched the movie "Creepshow." It is a great movie. If you have not seen the movie, see if you can find it. It's a montage based on Stephen King stories. As with most movies, the first was better than the second.
I guess that's all.
I jailbroke my iPhone and iPad a few days ago. The jailbreak seems to use more battery than with the standard iOS. I'm in the process of restoring them as I type this.
I really wish I was in San Diego at Comic Con. I would love to get my geek on!
Had my first watermelon of the season. I don't know where it was grown, but it wasn't very sweet. I sure miss the days of stealing watermelon from a garden. We used to steal some from grandpa. I say we stole them, but he probably didn't mind so it wasn't really stealing.
Watched the movie "Creepshow." It is a great movie. If you have not seen the movie, see if you can find it. It's a montage based on Stephen King stories. As with most movies, the first was better than the second.
I guess that's all.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Westboro = Hate group
According to the FBI, a hate group is a group that "promotes animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization." When we think of hate groups we normally think of the Klan or Neo Nazis. There are actually numerous groups that fit into that category. One group that you normally would not suspect of being a hate group is the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas.
We know the name Westboro because of their picketing of military funerals. There is something inherently un-American about protesting the death of a soldier, sailor, airmen or Marines who died in the service of their country. We have gotten used to this behavior and most communities have used legal means to deter Westboro's message. Some groups have effectively taken the thunder away from Westboro!
Part of the message of Westboro is anti-Semitic, anti-...well, the list is too long but includes major religions, race, national identity and the like. They are against just about everything. One of their key themes is that American soldiers die because the United States tolerates homosexuality. Westboro thanked God for the dead in the 2008 Sichuan, China earthquake. It may seem odd, but the Klan has counter-protested Westboro at the Arlington National Cemetery. Now, Westboro is attacking other Baptist churches for their soft messages. Soon, they are scheduled to protest at two Nashville area churches.
I was sitting here this morning reading about Westboro's trip to Nashville. If Westboro changed their message and stopped spending money traveling around the country, indeed, around the world, how many people could be fed? How many homeless people would have a place to sleep? Isn't that the message Christ taught? He did not teach hate or condemnation. Christ taught to be charitable and lend a hand to those who have fallen to the way side. Westboro's teachings are as much anti-Christ as they are anything else. It is confusing for potential Christians who shy away from Christ because of the message of Westboro.
Westboro is a hate group, by accepted definitions. Let them express themselves. according to the First Amendment right, as much as it pains us. And, my personal message to Westboro is to stop throwing stones and laying down stumbling blocks.
We know the name Westboro because of their picketing of military funerals. There is something inherently un-American about protesting the death of a soldier, sailor, airmen or Marines who died in the service of their country. We have gotten used to this behavior and most communities have used legal means to deter Westboro's message. Some groups have effectively taken the thunder away from Westboro!
Part of the message of Westboro is anti-Semitic, anti-...well, the list is too long but includes major religions, race, national identity and the like. They are against just about everything. One of their key themes is that American soldiers die because the United States tolerates homosexuality. Westboro thanked God for the dead in the 2008 Sichuan, China earthquake. It may seem odd, but the Klan has counter-protested Westboro at the Arlington National Cemetery. Now, Westboro is attacking other Baptist churches for their soft messages. Soon, they are scheduled to protest at two Nashville area churches.
I was sitting here this morning reading about Westboro's trip to Nashville. If Westboro changed their message and stopped spending money traveling around the country, indeed, around the world, how many people could be fed? How many homeless people would have a place to sleep? Isn't that the message Christ taught? He did not teach hate or condemnation. Christ taught to be charitable and lend a hand to those who have fallen to the way side. Westboro's teachings are as much anti-Christ as they are anything else. It is confusing for potential Christians who shy away from Christ because of the message of Westboro.
Westboro is a hate group, by accepted definitions. Let them express themselves. according to the First Amendment right, as much as it pains us. And, my personal message to Westboro is to stop throwing stones and laying down stumbling blocks.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Paranormal TV
Several of the television networks have gone plum crazy over the paranormal. There are a half dozen teams of investigators scouring the globe looking for things that go "bump in the night." It isn't the amazing discoveries they have found that make the shows a need to watch event. At least, for me at any rate. Those guys (and girls) have been to the Gobi desert and the swamps Louisiana looking for ghouls, goblins, Bigfoot, ghosts and strange lights.
They do pull off some amazing fetes of, heroism (I started to say stupidity, but I wanted to be nice.). The guys from Destination Truth will jump into a pool of water, at night, then panic when there is something in the water they cannot see. They have left a guy alone in a 'haunted circle' and become amazed and panicked when he does. The Chasing UFOs have investigated a decades UFO crash at night. While following the same format as Finding Bigfoot, Chasing UFOs isn't as exciting without Bobo. Honestly, I've watched on episode of Chasing UFOs, as that was all I could stomach. Speaking of Finding Bigfoot, Bobo makes the show while Matt Moneymaker could see a Bigfoot while looking at a photo of your grandmother. I'm not gonna touch Ghost Hunters and their 'evidence.' Any paranormal investigation with a medium is out for me. I don't like UFO Hunters either.
I do like Ancient Aliens. While not strictly paranormal, they have thrown some information that does fit in that category. These guys pull some amazing correlations out of evidence and they do stretch the work possible a bit, but it is an okay show. It makes you think, especially the episode about Puma Punku in Bolivia. (You have to look it up.) That place is amazing. Another show I like is Ghost Adventurers. These guys pull historical events and see if they can bring out the paranormal that exists. Anytime you bring history to an purported event it makes the show interesting just for the history.
All television productions have an agenda when they go into production. Some of the stars of the show are also the producers. To me that already removes objectivity from the equation. One of my favorites, while not strictly about the paranormal is Ancient Aliens. Again, it is one of the shows that is produced by one of the stars. I am not blinded by that fact that all television production has an agenda. Some television productions are more obvious than others.
To check out which of the paranormal shows you might like, check on SyFy, the National Geographic Channel, H2 (History Channel 2) and the Travel Channel. The above mentioned shows are there, while I think Finding Bigfoot is on Animal Planet. You just might see them capture Bigfoot or interview Elvis.
They do pull off some amazing fetes of, heroism (I started to say stupidity, but I wanted to be nice.). The guys from Destination Truth will jump into a pool of water, at night, then panic when there is something in the water they cannot see. They have left a guy alone in a 'haunted circle' and become amazed and panicked when he does. The Chasing UFOs have investigated a decades UFO crash at night. While following the same format as Finding Bigfoot, Chasing UFOs isn't as exciting without Bobo. Honestly, I've watched on episode of Chasing UFOs, as that was all I could stomach. Speaking of Finding Bigfoot, Bobo makes the show while Matt Moneymaker could see a Bigfoot while looking at a photo of your grandmother. I'm not gonna touch Ghost Hunters and their 'evidence.' Any paranormal investigation with a medium is out for me. I don't like UFO Hunters either.
I do like Ancient Aliens. While not strictly paranormal, they have thrown some information that does fit in that category. These guys pull some amazing correlations out of evidence and they do stretch the work possible a bit, but it is an okay show. It makes you think, especially the episode about Puma Punku in Bolivia. (You have to look it up.) That place is amazing. Another show I like is Ghost Adventurers. These guys pull historical events and see if they can bring out the paranormal that exists. Anytime you bring history to an purported event it makes the show interesting just for the history.
All television productions have an agenda when they go into production. Some of the stars of the show are also the producers. To me that already removes objectivity from the equation. One of my favorites, while not strictly about the paranormal is Ancient Aliens. Again, it is one of the shows that is produced by one of the stars. I am not blinded by that fact that all television production has an agenda. Some television productions are more obvious than others.
To check out which of the paranormal shows you might like, check on SyFy, the National Geographic Channel, H2 (History Channel 2) and the Travel Channel. The above mentioned shows are there, while I think Finding Bigfoot is on Animal Planet. You just might see them capture Bigfoot or interview Elvis.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Standing on one's own

I am responsible for my actions.
I do not depend on the government for a living.
I do not expect the government to pay my way.
I expect all to stand on their feet.
I expect others to make their own way.
I expect others to be responsible for their actions.
I do not expect the government to pay the way for others.
I am an individual and I stand on my own two feet.
Monday, July 9, 2012
UN Gun Control
"The proposed U.N. Arms Trade Treaty does not affect weapons position or transfers within the United States.
"The United States would support an Arms Trade Treaty that addresses international transfers of conventional weapons, not internal or “domestic” transfers or possession. The United States will oppose any effort to address internal transfers and any provisions that would conflict with the U.S. Constitution or U.S. law.
"Irresponsible conventional arms transfers are a crucial national security concern for the United States. Irresponsible arms exports by countries around the world continue to conflict zones, terrorists, and other entities of concern. The Arms Trade Treaty process calls for the creation of international regulations on the international transfer of conventional arms to help prevent arms transfers to parties under UN arms embargoes and to prevent diversion of arms into the illicit market.Thank you for contacting the Department of State.
"We shall have to see. Contact your congressmen and senators about the treaty.
HALO4 for PC Rumors
Apparently, rumors have resurfaced about the possibilities of HALO4 coming to PC. The new rumor revolves around a 'system requirements' comment on the games page. (It is there, I saw it.) The question remains to what device the requirements are referring. The rumor is that the requirements is referencing PC.
I would be tickled to pay a new HALO game on my PC. The last game was HALO2, which was counted as a failure by some. I liked the game and feel rejected by Microsoft, Bungie and 343 Industries. Maybe I am too attached to PC gaming, but it really cramps my style and hands (really in my hands).
Time will tell and hopefully I can play HALO4 on my PC.
I would be tickled to pay a new HALO game on my PC. The last game was HALO2, which was counted as a failure by some. I liked the game and feel rejected by Microsoft, Bungie and 343 Industries. Maybe I am too attached to PC gaming, but it really cramps my style and hands (really in my hands).
Time will tell and hopefully I can play HALO4 on my PC.
Lying made LEGAL?
In 2006, George W Bush signed a law making it a federal crime to one misrepresent themselves as having won military medals. The upshot is that it was illegal to say you earned a Congressional Medal of Honor when you did not. The Supreme Court found to the contrary making lying protected speech? For all the details, read United States vs. Xavier Alvarez. Mr Alvarez said he won a Medal of Honor, which was a lie. He said he won the Congressional Medal of Honor (CMH) in 1987. He also reportedly lied about playing hockey with the Detroit Red Wings.
When you tell a lie when selling a product, you can be convicted of fraud for misrepresenting said product. In this sense, lying is not protected free speech in the First Amendment. There are a few perks for being a CMH awardee. Would it not be fraud to represent yourself as a CMH awardee? Only if the person was seeking to gain financially from his claim. Making a false claim to having been awarded a CMH to obtain benefits given to those who are awarded CMH awardees is fraud and not protected by free speech. Lying is, per se, protected speech as long as there is no intent to defraud.
Alvarez is still a poor little man who needs to lie. He is still a liar.
When you tell a lie when selling a product, you can be convicted of fraud for misrepresenting said product. In this sense, lying is not protected free speech in the First Amendment. There are a few perks for being a CMH awardee. Would it not be fraud to represent yourself as a CMH awardee? Only if the person was seeking to gain financially from his claim. Making a false claim to having been awarded a CMH to obtain benefits given to those who are awarded CMH awardees is fraud and not protected by free speech. Lying is, per se, protected speech as long as there is no intent to defraud.
Alvarez is still a poor little man who needs to lie. He is still a liar.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Free Tibet
I meant to post this the other day, but it slipped my mind much like the people of Tibet. There is little else to say but, "FREE TIBET!"
For some places around the world, getting excited about rain is something you just don't do. The people in West Tennessee are usually the same way except between July and August. West Tennessee usually gets enough rain to make the farmers happy and to keep the grass green. This this is an exception. Parts have not seen measurable rain in nearly a month. Very unusual for the first part of summer. Take in to account that we have had two weeks of temperatures hovering near and over 100 degrees with as little as 25% humidity. It is so dry that my yard crunches under my feet.
Last night at about 10 o'clock it rained. It was a measurable rain, too. There was still (some) water standing when I got up this morning. There are chances of rain for the next few days with thunderstorms likely tomorrow. We'll take the rain as long as the storms don't get too bad. We don't need a bush fire started by lightning strikes.
Let it rain...again! Please!
Last night at about 10 o'clock it rained. It was a measurable rain, too. There was still (some) water standing when I got up this morning. There are chances of rain for the next few days with thunderstorms likely tomorrow. We'll take the rain as long as the storms don't get too bad. We don't need a bush fire started by lightning strikes.
Let it rain...again! Please!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Aliens on Maple Street
SyFy has a marathon of the Twilight Zone for the Fourth. One of the best episodes of the Twilight Zone is "The Aliens are Due on Maple Street." A strange object flew over Maple Street in Anytown, USA. The object causes all electrically powered devices to stop working. Before a party of men can leave the neighborhood to investigate, a kid tells of a stories he has read about aliens and how they start an invasion. Soon, the neighbors are turning on each other to the point that one kills another. Panic ensues! As the residents of Maple Street turn on each other, the scene pulls back to reveal a pair of aliens. The kid has been correct. The aliens plan is to cause a panic and let the humans destroy each other.
This episode illustrates how we humans turn on each other when something mysterious happens. In our history we have burned witches, mutilated the insane and started wars based on fear. For some reason this is a lesson we cannot learn. The mysterious is not evil, just different.
This episode illustrates how we humans turn on each other when something mysterious happens. In our history we have burned witches, mutilated the insane and started wars based on fear. For some reason this is a lesson we cannot learn. The mysterious is not evil, just different.
Happy 4th
Over 236 years ago, a spark was started in a small New England town that fired the want to throw off the tyranny of Great Britain. Two centuries later, the United States is still the greatest nation in which to live. Even as our freedoms have began to diminish, this nation is still the premier keeper of democracy in a turbulent world.
We thank and honor those who have fought to provide us with what we have. Our highest honors to those who have died in the defense of our nation.
Happy Birthday America!!
We thank and honor those who have fought to provide us with what we have. Our highest honors to those who have died in the defense of our nation.
Happy Birthday America!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Gas and Yard Sales UPDATE
The big citywide yard sale was Saturday. We mananged to make a little money so it was okay. We got out yesterday afternoon for our usual Sunday grocery run and noticed that gas had fallen in price from $3.09/gallon to $2.97/gallon. IF, notice the caps, nothing else changed, the change in gas price was due to the citywide yard sale and the expectation of a larger than normal shopping day.
As good as that theory sounds there is a flaw. The day before the citywide yard sale, our regional television station came to town to do a story on us because we had the cheapest gas in the area. With the increase in demand, driven by the news story, the service stations raised their prices. Even this theory doesn't comleted explain the yard sale gase price increase. If the demand was up, why did the price of gas go back down the next day?
The change in gas prices was in response to both stimuli. The initial increase was due to the expectation of more customers in town because of the citywide yard sale and the new story. When the yard sales were over and the customers were not in town, the demand dropped and so did the gas price.
As good as that theory sounds there is a flaw. The day before the citywide yard sale, our regional television station came to town to do a story on us because we had the cheapest gas in the area. With the increase in demand, driven by the news story, the service stations raised their prices. Even this theory doesn't comleted explain the yard sale gase price increase. If the demand was up, why did the price of gas go back down the next day?
The change in gas prices was in response to both stimuli. The initial increase was due to the expectation of more customers in town because of the citywide yard sale and the new story. When the yard sales were over and the customers were not in town, the demand dropped and so did the gas price.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Men's Feet
I guess I'm an average guy, even, ordinary. I give hygiene a hit daily washing the body overall (making sure some places are clearner than others). Of late, I've been wearing sandals a lot and didn't give them a moments thought. I noticed today after getting out of the shower that my feet were still dingy. I figured I could rub off the some of the dirt. Instead, I found rolls of skin coming off. Back into the shower, I took my wife's foot scrubber and gave my feet a good scrub. Guys, get a pumice stone and scrub your feet on occasion. Plain washing just isn't enough.
Us vs UN and Guns
In 2011, United States citizens (self-reported, through Gallup) reported that 47% of the popupation owned at least one firearm. Not quit half but it is still a large number of Americans with a gun. It would be interesting to see how much money is produced a year in hunting, shooting and other related activities. This would include firearms, ammunition, targets, holsters and the like. The next to consider is the people who work to manufacture these items. There are a lot of firearms made in the US but there are also firearms imported from several European countries, South America and Asia. These are also workers in those countries.To be fair, there isn't a huge number of employees making firearms and their various acssociated accessories. However, if one company shuts down, there are still going to be unemployed, hungry, uninsured people.
Now, the United Nations has taken upon itself to have personally own firearms banned in the United States. There is even a measure to register hunting firearms, as well. There is the false assumption (apparently) that the gun owning citizens in the United States are dangerous. Well, we can be dangerous but the vast majority of gun owners have never fired a gun at another human being. Those that have pointed at gun at someone did so in self-defense. The other story to gun ownership is that guns are stolen and used to committ crime. Well, that is true. I could not find any stats since 1995. At that time, the Department of Justice estimated that 29% of crimes were committed with a stolen firearm. I am sure that the number has gone up over the years with the crime rates. Again, the vast majority of gun owners go out to indoor and outdoor ranges to shoot their firearms.
Gun owning Americans do not make it a habit of walking down the street displaying guns. We, yes 'we', are a very safety conscious group that care about the safety of ourselves, our families and other citizens. We don't take our firearms and invade other countries, putting peaceful neighborhoods in peril. We don't take our firearms, group together and committ acts of genocide. Actually, the above actions are taken in other countries where the ownership of a gun is a means soley to committ crime, invade other countries and committ genocide. Those guns come from failed military complexes or by arms dealers that have nothing to do with the majority of American citizens whether they own a gun or not.
So, United Nations, leave us alone. It is as plain as that.
Now, the United Nations has taken upon itself to have personally own firearms banned in the United States. There is even a measure to register hunting firearms, as well. There is the false assumption (apparently) that the gun owning citizens in the United States are dangerous. Well, we can be dangerous but the vast majority of gun owners have never fired a gun at another human being. Those that have pointed at gun at someone did so in self-defense. The other story to gun ownership is that guns are stolen and used to committ crime. Well, that is true. I could not find any stats since 1995. At that time, the Department of Justice estimated that 29% of crimes were committed with a stolen firearm. I am sure that the number has gone up over the years with the crime rates. Again, the vast majority of gun owners go out to indoor and outdoor ranges to shoot their firearms.
Gun owning Americans do not make it a habit of walking down the street displaying guns. We, yes 'we', are a very safety conscious group that care about the safety of ourselves, our families and other citizens. We don't take our firearms and invade other countries, putting peaceful neighborhoods in peril. We don't take our firearms, group together and committ acts of genocide. Actually, the above actions are taken in other countries where the ownership of a gun is a means soley to committ crime, invade other countries and committ genocide. Those guns come from failed military complexes or by arms dealers that have nothing to do with the majority of American citizens whether they own a gun or not.
So, United Nations, leave us alone. It is as plain as that.
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