According to the FBI, a hate group is a group that "promotes animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization." When we think of hate groups we normally think of the Klan or Neo Nazis. There are actually numerous groups that fit into that category. One group that you normally would not suspect of being a hate group is the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas.
We know the name Westboro because of their picketing of military funerals. There is something inherently un-American about protesting the death of a soldier, sailor, airmen or Marines who died in the service of their country. We have gotten used to this behavior and most communities have used legal means to deter Westboro's message. Some groups have effectively taken the thunder away from Westboro!
Part of the message of Westboro is anti-Semitic, anti-...well, the list is too long but includes major religions, race, national identity and the like. They are against just about everything. One of their key themes is that American soldiers die because the United States tolerates homosexuality. Westboro thanked God for the dead in the 2008 Sichuan, China earthquake. It may seem odd, but the Klan has counter-protested Westboro at the Arlington National Cemetery. Now, Westboro is attacking other Baptist churches for their soft messages. Soon, they are scheduled to protest at two Nashville area churches.
I was sitting here this morning reading about Westboro's trip to Nashville. If Westboro changed their message and stopped spending money traveling around the country, indeed, around the world, how many people could be fed? How many homeless people would have a place to sleep? Isn't that the message Christ taught? He did not teach hate or condemnation. Christ taught to be charitable and lend a hand to those who have fallen to the way side. Westboro's teachings are as much anti-Christ as they are anything else. It is confusing for potential Christians who shy away from Christ because of the message of Westboro.
Westboro is a hate group, by accepted definitions. Let them express themselves. according to the First Amendment right, as much as it pains us. And, my personal message to Westboro is to stop throwing stones and laying down stumbling blocks.
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