There is no doubt in any one's mind that the attack at the Aurora movie theater is horrendous, tragic and should not have happened. Our prayers go out to the Aurora community and victims of all descriptions.
Automatically, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued a statement calling for action to "stop arming dangerous people." How does one define "dangerous people?" What exams would be necessary to show who is dangerous and who isn't? Take all guns away so "dangerous people" don't have them. "Dangerous people" will find a way to hurt others without a gun. A dangerous person with a car can (and they have) driving threw crowds of people: killing and maiming. A dangerous person can (and they have) poison a restaurant buffet to kill or sicken others. A dangerous person can (and they have) put sharp items in airline food to hurt or kill others. A dangerous person can (and they have) put poison in over-the-counter medicine to hurt or kill others.
Taking guns away will not stop "dangerous people" from being, well, dangerous. The world is a dangerous place and gun control will not make it less dangerous. "Dangerous people" are just that and will find a way to be dangerous. Do not use this terrible event in Aurora for personal political beliefs.
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