Someone mentioned that they hoped that the new series "Chasing UFOs" from the National Geographic Channel would move ufology into a more favorable light. Any group that looks for an old UFO crash evidence in the dark is not going to uplift the study to main stream. If you are going to watch for night time lights, yes you do go out at night. If you are looking for evidence, you don't do it at night. At best, the "Chasing UFOs" crew is going to hurt the cause of ufology.
Ufology has been trying to go mainstream for a few decades. For those who don't know, ufology is the study of unidentified flying objects. Without an agenda, this study would try to explain lights in the sky or objects that defy mundane items. If the event cannot be explained, then it would be attributed to being paranormal or extraterrestial in origin. This is where the 'ology' comes from. Unfortunately, ufology has an agenda. This agenda is to prove that unknown objects or lights in the sky are from an alien civilization. In this sense, the 'ology' has no purpose because there is no study involved.
Let's look at the greatest UFO even in history...Roswell. The government has put forth several explanations to what happened around Roswell in July, 1947. According to the government, the crash at Roswell was actually part of two government secret operations. Both involved high altitude balloons with one of operations involving test dummies. The operations provide a plausible explanation of what happened. Ufologists are quick to explain that the government is involved in a cover-up to dismiss the recovery of a crashed UFO and it's alien pilots. They rely on witness information delivered months, years or even decades after the event with no evidence. NONE!! The ufologists smoking gun is the newspaper story that appeared the day after the discovery of debris that was quickly squashed. (I realize I left out a lot of deals. Those you can find and read for yourself. There are too many books, articles and videos out on the subject.)
There is another story to look at which turns the scientific study of ufologists upside down. There is a group of objects in the paranormal community called 'rods.' Rods are objects that appear in photographs and videos. Ufologists and paranormal investigators have determined that these objects are alien creature, alien spacecraft or inter-dimensional beings. What rods are in reality, and ufologists refuse to accept, are insects caught in the timing of the shutter cameras shutter speed. Insects develop an elongated shape with wavy wings when captured on cameras. This is because the wings are moving faster than the shutter speed.(For examples, you can Google 'rods' on YouTube.) Despite the best scientific explanations on rods, ufologist refuse to accept the explanation.
That is the kicker with ufologists. They refuse to accept anything that is contrary to what they want to believe. I understand that evidence needs to be presented and the events studied scientifically before anyone will truly accept an answer. But, we must be ready to accept evidence and move on. Until this happens, ufology will never be accepted at serious science.
I may put more time in to this discussion later.
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