In 2011, United States citizens (self-reported, through Gallup) reported that 47% of the popupation owned at least one firearm. Not quit half but it is still a large number of Americans with a gun. It would be interesting to see how much money is produced a year in hunting, shooting and other related activities. This would include firearms, ammunition, targets, holsters and the like. The next to consider is the people who work to manufacture these items. There are a lot of firearms made in the US but there are also firearms imported from several European countries, South America and Asia. These are also workers in those countries.To be fair, there isn't a huge number of employees making firearms and their various acssociated accessories. However, if one company shuts down, there are still going to be unemployed, hungry, uninsured people.
Now, the United Nations has taken upon itself to have personally own firearms banned in the United States. There is even a measure to register hunting firearms, as well. There is the false assumption (apparently) that the gun owning citizens in the United States are dangerous. Well, we can be dangerous but the vast majority of gun owners have never fired a gun at another human being. Those that have pointed at gun at someone did so in self-defense. The other story to gun ownership is that guns are stolen and used to committ crime. Well, that is true. I could not find any stats since 1995. At that time, the Department of Justice estimated that 29% of crimes were committed with a stolen firearm. I am sure that the number has gone up over the years with the crime rates. Again, the vast majority of gun owners go out to indoor and outdoor ranges to shoot their firearms.
Gun owning Americans do not make it a habit of walking down the street displaying guns. We, yes 'we', are a very safety conscious group that care about the safety of ourselves, our families and other citizens. We don't take our firearms and invade other countries, putting peaceful neighborhoods in peril. We don't take our firearms, group together and committ acts of genocide. Actually, the above actions are taken in other countries where the ownership of a gun is a means soley to committ crime, invade other countries and committ genocide. Those guns come from failed military complexes or by arms dealers that have nothing to do with the majority of American citizens whether they own a gun or not.
So, United Nations, leave us alone. It is as plain as that.
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